Hof (light)
(dark) or the stronger Export Lagers
fro m th e w o r ld fam o u s Carlsberg Breweries COPENHAGEN
Visitors are welcome. Piease see page 29
Bristol is the ideal slwp for gifts. There yoti can alwaysfn d a large assortment of presents for your folks at home.
g * 1 © » & ★ 40 , FREDERIKSBERGGADE, CO PEN HAGEN, TEL. CENTRAL 9355 GRIEBEN G u id e V o l. 14 4 Copenhagen and North Zealand with supplement for motorists 3 1 St e d it io n with one map of the town, three schematic maps and five illustrations This edition has been licensed by the Grieben Verlas, Hamburg Thorsten Helweg Publishing Company Copenhagen Text and maps o f this edition (edition 1951) have been carcfully chccked and corrccted according to the latest informations. This guide is absolutely impartial. Recommendations in the text are only given in the interest of the tourist and can ncithcr be obtained against money nor by means o f influcnce. Wc do not guarantee for errors. Copenhagen, spring 1951. Gricben Verlag Hamburg Thorsten Helweg Publishing Co., Copenhagen The figures and letters in brackets (H 9) refer to the location of the place in question on the map in the back o f the book. CONTENTS Copenhagen................................................................................................... 7 Practical Tips: Climate, Language, Coins, Passport, Customs, T ip s........................ 8 Travelling Routes: Railways, Ships, Airlines....................................................................... 9 Board and Lodging...................................................................................... 9 Hotels, Restaurants......................... 10-13 Stations........................................................................................................... 14 Traffic: Taxicabs, Strectcars, S-trains, Shipping Routes, Harbour Round Trip, Airlines, Round Flying Tours, Bicyclcs for hire, Time Tablcs, Sightseeing T o u rs................................................................ 14-18 Contents 5 Important Addresses: Post & Telcgraph, Travel Agendes, Consulates, Police, Lost Property Offices, Public Baths, Danish Handicrafts.................. 18-22 Amusements: Theatres, Places o f Entertaiments, Cinemas, Music.................. 22-24 Sp ort................................................................................................................ 24 Schedule......................................................................................................... 25 Points o f interest........................... 27 Timetable for Museums and Places o f Interest in Copenhagen . .36-37 Round Trip in Copenhagen..................... 39 The Surroundings of Copenhagen.......................................................... 46 North Zealand: Copenhagen-Hclsingør (Elsinore)........................................................ 47 Copenhagen-Hillerød.............................................................................. 50 Copenhagen-Fredensborg..................................................................... 51 Copenhagen-Roskilde............................................... 52 Copenhagen-Hclsingør (Elsinore) by the Coastal R o a d ............... 53 Copcnhagen-Hillerød-Frcdcnsborg-Helsingør (Elsinore)............. 55 Copenhagen-Farum-Slangcrup-Frederikssund-Frederiksværk- H u n d ested ............................................................................................. 56 The Coast from Helsingør (Elsinore) along the Kattegat to Hunde sted................................................................................................................ 58 Tips for Motorists in Denmark................................................................. 61 Automobile Clubs........................................................................................ 61 62 Kruså-Copenhagen.................................................................................. 64 Frederikshavn-Copenhagen................................................................... 65 Grossenbrode (Germany)-Gedser-Copenhagen.............................. 66 Travemundc (Germany)-Rødbyhavn-Copenhagen........................ 67 Danish G uide................................................................................................. 68 List o f F o o d ......................... 71 Index................................................................................................................ 74 Street register................................................................................................. 90 M A P S Railroads.......................................................................................................... 15 North Zealand......................................................between page 46 and 47 Denmark......................................................................................................... 63 Copenhagen............................................................ in the back o f the book Routes to Copenhagen for Motorists: Esbjerg-Copenhagen............................... C O P E N H A G E N Copenhagen is thc Capital o f thc kingdom of Denmark, it is the greatest city o f the country and the residence o f the king, seat o f the govcrnment and the greatest and most important coininercial and industrial center, focus o f the economic and cultural life o f the country with a university, sevcral institutions for advanced learning, many hospitals, modern schools and social institutions, etc.; Copenhagen, wcllknown for its important artistic and scientific collections, is situated on the Sound (Øresund) on the eastern coast o f Zealand (Sjælland) and the northern part o f thc island o f Amager. The narrow strait between Zealand and Amager constitutes a natural harbour, which in 1894 was extended by a free harbour. Greater Copenhagen, including suburbs, has 1.164.400 inhabitants, or about one quarter o f the total population of Denmark. The metro- politan area, including suburbs, covers 9587 acres. The city consists o f the old town behind the inoats, which now arc transforined into boulevards and pleasing parks, and the districts o f Nørrebro, Østerbro, Vesterbro, Frederiksberg and Sundby, forming a chain around the inner town. Among other suburbs wc mention: Vanlose, Valby, Hvidovre, Brønshøj, Gentofte, etc. The ministries, thc castle o f Christiansborg (parliament), the Thorvaldsen Museum and the Stock Exchange are situated on the Slotsholmen (Castle Island), surrounded by canals and linked with the adjacent parts o f the city by 8 bridges. The Government Parliament (Rigsdagen) consists of two chambers, an upper chamber, (Landsting) and a lower chamber, (Folketing); The Folketing has 152 members, and the legislative period is four years. In order to be member o f the Folketing one must be 25 years old and a Danish citizen. The Landsting has 78 members, elected for 8 years at a time. In order to be member one must be above 35 years o f age, and be a resident in one’s constituency. The Rigsdag occupies the eastern wing o f the castle of Christiansborg. History Copenhagen is mentioned for the first time in the year 1043 as a fishing hamlet and trading place, named “ Havn” (meaning: harbour, latinized Hafnia). In order to protect the place against pirates bishop Absalon in 1167 built a stone tower on Castle Island. The rums o f this 8 Practical Tips tower are preserved below the present Christiansborg. Bishop Absalon therefore is considered the founder o f the town. In 1416 King Erik, surnamed “ o f Pommerania” , moved his residence from Roskilde to Copenhagen, which hereafter quickly assumed the characteristics o f the Capital o f the realm. The university was foundcd in 1479. King Christian IV (1588-1648) was the first king to set his indelible imprint upon the town. Among the buddings erected by him we may mention: Rosenborg castle, the Stock Exchange, the Round Tower (Rundetaarn), the Royal College (Regensen), Holmens Church, Nyboder, as well as the park Kongens Have (meaning: the king’s garden) and the suburb of Christianshavn. In the middlc ages Copenhagen witncsscd many batties and sieges. In the years 1658-60 the Swedes invcstcd the town, in 1801 and 1807 Copenhagen was attacked by the British fleet (the battie of the roads o f Copenhagen, and the bombardmcnt of Copenhagen). This bombardment laid important parts of the inner town in ruins. At the carlicst census in 1769 the population was 92.000. In 1857 the Sound Toil was abolished, which gave renewed iinpetus to the tråde o f Copen hagen. Today, Copenhagen is considered the most important commer- cial center in Scandinavia. PR AC T IC A L TIPS Information on travels to Denmark may be obtained from all travel agencies. Travclling Season The best time o f the year for a visit to Copenhagen is from May to September. Climate Coastal climate. The mean temperature in .Copenhagen in January is around freezing point, in May 12,4° centigradcs, in June 15,4°, inju ly 17,1°, in August 15,5°, and in September 16,i°. But even in the sum mer cool days may occur. The period o f the light nights is from the beginning o f May to the end o f August. Language English is spoken or understood by most inhabitants of Denmark. Coins The Danish currency consists of Kroner (crowns) and Øre. A krone is subdivided into 100 øre. The following coins are current: 2 kr., 1 kr., 9 Board and Lodging 25 øre, 10 øre, 5 øre, 2 øre and 1 øre. Banknotes are issued in the follow- ing values: 500 kr., 100 kr., 50 kr., 10 kr. and 5 kr. Passport A passport, issued by the competent authorities, is necessary for entry into Denmark. Customs All luggagc, even registrered luggage, is to be submitted to the Danish customs for inspection. Tips In restaurants the ordinary tip is 12,5 per cent o f the biil, in hotels 15 per cent. Travelling Routes Railways London-Dover-Ostende-Hamburg-Copenhagen. Ships New York-London-Oslo-Copenhagcn. New York-London-Gothcnburg-Copenhagen. New York-Copenhagcn. London-Harwich-Esbjcrg-Copenhagen. Hull-Copenhagen. Newcastle-Copenhagen. Air New York via Britain-Copenhagen. London-Copenhagen BOARD AND LODG ING Hotels The Danish Tourist Association and Hotel-Keepers Tourist Accom- modation Service, 5 Banegårdsplads, tel. central 14760 and byen 4045. Open weekdays from 9 a. m. to midnight and from 9 to 12 and 5 to midnight on sundays and holidays. Information on hotels, inns, restaurants and points o f interest in the Capital and surrounding districts. Hotel d’Angleterre, 34, Kongens Nytorv, tel. Central 95. 160 rooms. Kr. 11,25-47,50. Hotels 10 Hotel Astoria, 7B, Vesterbrogade, tel. Central 1419. 90 rooms. Kr.9,75 -29,50. Hotel Axelborg, 2, Hammerichsgade, tel. Byen 7150. 52 rooms. Kr. 10,00 -37,oo. Daltic Hotel, Borups Plads, tel. Fasan 3816. 70 rooms. Kr. 9,50-17,50. Hotel Cecil, 10, Niels Hemmingsensgade, tel. Central 14333. 40 rooms. Kr. 10,00-33,00. Hotel Codan, 21, Set. Annæplads, tel. Byen 8485. 110 rooms. Kr. 12,00- 40.00. Hotel Cosmopolite, 1, St. Kongensgade, tel. Central 80. 180 rooms. Kr. 8,00-25,00. Hotel Excelsior, 4, Colbjørnscnsgadc, tel. Vester 5085. 56 rooms. Kr. 5,00-19,00. Missionshotel Frydenlund, 76, GI. Kongevej, tel. C. 8384. Grand Hotel, 9A, Vesterbrogade, tel. Central 3600. 84 rooms. Kr. 9.50- 38,00. Hotel Hafnia, 23, Vester Voldgade, tel. Central 4046. 66 rooms. Kr. 9.50- 33,00. Hotel Kongen afDanmark, 1 5, Holmens Kanal, tel. Central 174. 64 rooms. Kr. 5,00-13,00. Hotel Kong Frederik, 25-27, Vestervoldgadc, tel. Central 5902. 70 rooms. Kr. 11,00-22,50. Missionshotellet, 27, Longangsstrædc, tel. Central 6570. 200 rooms. Kr. 4.50- 13,00. Missionshotellets Annex, 86, Vestervoldgade, tel. Central 11773. 50 rooms. Kr. 4,25-13,00. Missionshotellet “ Ansgar” , 29, Colbjørnsensgadc, tel. Central 2196. 75 rooms. Kr. 4,50-13,00 Missionshotellet “ Hebron” , 4, Helgolandsgade, tel. Central 6906. 130 rooms. Kr. 4,00-13,00. Missionshotellet “ Wcstend ” , 3, Helgolandsgade, tel. Central 4801. 120 rooms. Kr. 4,50-13,00. Hotel Nordland, 22, Vesterbrogade, tel. Central 3200. 60 rooms. Kr. 9.50- 26,00. Palace Hotel, Rådhuspladsen, tcj. Central 4050. 165 rooms. Kr. 11,00- 42.00. Park Hotel, 3, Jarmers Plads, tel. Central 117 11. 33 rooms. Kr. 4,50- 13.00. Hotel Regina, 6, Rcvcntlowsgadc, tel. Central 9756. 33 rooms. Kr. 6,50 -17.50. Restaurants ii Hotel Richmond, 33, V. Farimagsgadc, tel. Byen 9701. 140 rooms. Kr. 14,00-38,00. Savoy Hotel, 34, Vesterbrogade, tel. Central 4073. 52 rooms. Kr. 4,50- 15 . 75 - Hotel Terminus, 3, Banegårdsplads, tel. Central 9262. 100 rooms. Kr. 10.50- 28,25. Webers Hotel, 11B , Vesterbrogade, tel. Central 1432. 65 rooms. Kr. 6.50- 20,00. Missionshotellet Westend, 3, Hclgolandsgadc, tel. Central 4801. 120 rooms. Kr. 4,50-12,00. Hotel Østerport, Østerbrogade, tel. Central 2266. 107 rooms. Kr. 10,00- 18,00. Hotel Pensions Hotel-Pension Lindal, 79, St. Kongensgade, tel. Palæ 5772. Hotel-Pension Vestersøhus, 58, Vcstersøgadc, tel. Central 13870. Hotel “ Christiansgården ” , 45, Dronningens Tværgade, tel. Byen 35065 and Byen 4874. Hotel-Pension “ Langelinie ” , 3, Bredgade, tel. Palæ 3673. Hotel Lucca, 11, Norrcallc, tel. Central 9341. Restaurants with bands Hotel d'Angleterre, 34, Kongens Nytorv. Atlantic Palace, 9, Axeltorv. Bellahøj, 40, Bcllahojvej. Bellevue Strandhotel, Klanjpenborg. Frascati, 1, Vesterbrogade. Giraffen, Palladium, 1, Vesterbrogade. Hotel Hafnia, 23, Vester Voldgade. Hotel Kong Frederik, 25, Vester Voldgade. Karnappen, 8-10, Niels Hcmmingssensgadc. Nimb, 5, BcrnstorfFsgade. - Ristoranto Italiano, 28, Nybrogade. Set. Thomas, 26, Frederiksberg Alle. Skandia, 2A, Vesterbrogade. Skovridderkroen, Charlottcnlund. Syv små Hjem, 4, Jernbanegade. Terminus, opposite the main station. Viking, 57, Rådhuspladsen. Wivex, 3, Vesterbrogade. Restaurants 1 2 Restaurants without bands Astoria, oppositc the main station. Botanique, 29, Nørre Voldgade. Brasilko, 36, Østergade. Brøttnum, 1, Tordenskjoldsgadc. Buriis, 17, Nørre Voldgadc. Codan, 21, Set. Annæ Plads. Coq d'Or, 13, Vester Boulevard. Oskar Davidsen, 5 6, Aaboulcvardcn. Fiskehusets restaurant, 34, Gammel Strand. Færgekroen, 5 Nyhavn. Glacis Restaurant, 2, Østerbrogade. Glyptoteket, 35, Stormgade. Grand Cafe, 19, Kongens Nytorv. Grønningen, 22, Toldbodgade. Flammers Kro, Sorgenfri, Kongens Lyngby. Flammers Restaurant, Lufthavnen, Kastrup. Hovedbanegårdens Restaurant, main station. Industrien, 2, Borgergade. Krogs Fiskerestaurant, 38, Gammclstrand. Krogs Restaurant, 8, Gammel Torv. Lille Peter, Vesterport, 1, Gammel Kongevej. Nationalmuseets Restaurant, National Museum. Nordland, 22, Vesterbrogade. Ny Rosenborg, 5-7, Vester Boulevard. Opera Cafeen, 20, Kongens Nytorv. Peking, (chinesc), X, Østergade. a Porta, Kongens Nytorv. a Porta, 6, Nygade. Simpson, 4, Rådhuspladsen. Slotsgården, Frederiksberg Have. Stadil, x, Vesterbrogade. Sopavillonen, 24, Gyldenløvesgade. Zoologisk Haves Restaurant, the Zoo. I Floor shows and dancing Ambassadeur, 57, Rådhuspladsen. Atlantic Palacc, 9, Axcltorv. Bellevue Strandhotel, Klampcnborg. Hollænderbyen, Anders Hcnriksensgade. Restaurants 13 Kobcnhavnerkroen, 3, BernstorfFsgade. Lorry, 7-9, Allegadc. National-Scala, Vesterbrogade. » Skandia, 2A, Vesterbrogade. Valenda, 32, Vesterbrogade. Wiuex, 3, Vesterbrogade. Zigeunerhallen, 85, Jagtvejen. Tea- or CofFeeshops, Cafeterias Brasilko, 36-38. Østerbrogade. Bristol, 9B, Vesterbrogade. / Brennum, 1, Tordenskjoldsgade. Fonnesbcch, 47, Østergade, in connection with a department store. Illmn, 52, Østergade, in connection with a department store. Java, 25, Frederiksberggade. La Glace, Skoubogadc, just off the “ Strøget” . Metropol, 24, Frederiksberggade. Magasin du Nord, Kongens Nytorv, in connection with a department store. National-Scala, Vesterbrogade. Sankt Regis, 23, Amagertorv. Terrassen, 76, Vesterbrogade, in connection with a department store. Wine Restaurants Hviids Vinstue, 19, Kongens Nytorv. Automat-Restaurants Cafeterina, 2B, Vesterbrogade. Guldæblet, 3, Frederiksberggade. Milk Restaurants Kultorvets Mælkeri, 1, Frederiksberggade, (Kultorvet). Regensen, 67-69, Købmagcrgade. IVagners Mælkeri, 7, Kronprinsensgade. Fruit Ccllars Jordbærkælleren, 27, Amagertorv. Restaurants in Tivoli, see T ivo li, page 38. Traffic 14 TRAFFIC Taxicabs Taxis can bc hired anywhcre in the town. Streetcars Halting places are marked by signs: “ Stoppested” , also indicating the line. Wc also refer to the map of Copenhagen in the back o f this book. Fares The fare on streetcars and trolley-cars, as well as on the bus lines 21, 22 and 31 is 35 orc for a single trip, (callcd “ ligeud” ), and 45 ore for a ticket permitting the use o f any line and any numbers of inter- ruptions of the journey inside the urban district and within a time limit of 75 minutes, (callcd “ omstigning” ). Fares on the busses 28, 29 and 30 are 40 øre for a single trip, and 50 øre for a multiple ticket. A change- over from streetcars or trolley busses and the busses 21 and 22 to the busses 28, 29 and 30 requires a multiple tickat („omstigning” ) plus an addition fare o f 5 orc. Fællesbillet (general ticket) General Tickets (“ fællesbillet” ) are sold in every streetcar, bus, trolley or the suburban electric trains, giving admittance to any of tliesc means o f transportation, and permitting any number o f breaks within a time limit of 75 minutes, cost 55 øre. Udflugtsbillet (Excursion ticket) Cost kr. 1,60, valid one day for a round trip on the municipal and suburban streetcars. Valid only on sundays. S-trains The S-trains (S-tog) constitute a suburban system o f electric trains. They are the quickcst and best public convcyancc within Copenhagen and the suburbs. The S-trains can be used in connection with streetcars or busses, (demand a general ticket, “ fællesbillet” ); the S-trains have only one class. They run par(ly as underground and partly as clevated trains. Trains inside Copenhagen every loth minute, in the suburbs every 20th minute. For reference, see the map on page 15. Stations Piease note the schematic map o f the suburban lines with con- necting lines. For reference, see the map on page 15. Rail Roads 15 Traffic i 6 Shipping Routcs Copenhagen has rcgular shipping routcs to Danish, Swcdish and Norwegian harbours, as well as other European and oversca harbours. To Sweden ships sail sevcral times daily, and to Norway every second day. Danish harbours: Åbenrå, (oncc weekly), - Ålborg, (daily), - Allinge, (twice weekly, daily in summertime), - Anholt/Grenå, (once weekly), - Fåborg, (once weekly), - Fredericia, (twice weekly), - Frederikshavn, (once weekly), - Gudhjem, (twice weekly, daily in summertime), - Haderslev, (oncc weekly), - Hasle, (twice weekly, daily in summertime), - Horsens, (twice weekly), - Klampenborg, (daily in summertime), - Kolding, (twice weekly), - Neksø, (twice weekly, daily in summertime), - Svendborg, (once weekly), - Vejle, (twice weekly). Information D .F .D .S. (United Steamship Company), 30, Skt. Annæ Plads, tel. Central 6300. Det østbornholmske Dampskibsselskab, Havnegade, tel. Central 5252. Dampskibsselskabet på Bornholm af 1866, 34, Tordenskjoldsgadc, tel. Central 1865. Sundfarten, Havnegade, tel. Central 2051. Harbour Round Trip To see Copenhagen from the sea is a unique experience. During the season big modern motor launches sail every hour from the Stock Exchange Bridge through the harbour and the picturesque canals and a guide gives through a megaphone details on the history o f the town and the harbour and the many monumental buildings and statues passed by, and which, especially from the sea, offer a very beautiful view. 1. Kongens Nytorv-Christianshavn, regular traffic the wholc day. Information: Motorfærgen Aladdin, tel. Amager 5763. 2. Børsbrocn-Langelinje. (Stock Exchange Bridge-Langelinje). 3. Niels Juelsgade-Rundfart i havnen (Trekroner). (Harbour round trip, starting Niels Juelsgacje). 4. Niels Juclsgade-Slusedæmningen. (Trip to the great dam in the South-Harbour, starting Niels Juelsgade). 5. Børsen-Frihavncn-Langelinje-Christianshavns Kanal-Frederiksholms Kanal-Børsen. (Round trip through all sections o f the harbour, starting and ending at the Stock exchange). Harbour Roiimi Trip 17 Canal Round Tour Dcparture from the Stormbroen, off Nationalmuseet, (Prinsens Palæ) (E 2), every half hour from 1 p. m., the tour takcs-30 min., price kr. 0.45, also regular conncction, every 20 min. between Langelinje and Svane møllen. Airlines Copcnhagen-Ålborg, twice daily. Copcnhagen-Århus, (Randers/Ebeltoft/Grenå), twice daily. Copcnhagen-Rønne, twice daily. Busses to Kastrup airport from SAS/DDL travel agency, Dagmarhus, Rådhuspladsen, Copenhagen V., tel. Central 8800. Office hours daily 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Luggage expedition 7 3.111.-9.30 p.m. Information on passengers: -Tel. Kastrup 1701. Round Flying Tours ' Flying tours over Copenhagen are arranged daily from Skovlunde airport, (tel. Ballerup 586), price kr. 15,-, S-train (electrical train) to Skovlunde. - Flying tours are also arranged from Kastrup airport, (tel. Kastrup 1212) during the summer on sundays from 1 p.m-5 p.m., price adults kr. 15, children kr. 10,- bus from the Rådhusplads (City Hall Square). 18 Traffic Rowing Boats Rowing boats can be hired from April to October on the Peblingesø (Pebling Lake) on the northern shore off Baggesensgade (D 3). Bicycles for hire Information 011 the hire o f bicycles or tandems, piease apply to “ Københavns Cyklehandlerforening” (Association of bicycle traders in Copenhagen), 2, Puggårdsgade, tel. Central 4947 and Palæ 7042. Time Tables All departure and arrivals o f trains, busses or ships and ferries, see “ Danmarks Rejseforbindelser” , on sale in all stations, bookshops and newspaper-stands. Contains all times and routes. Information also through the information office o f the State Railways, tel. Central 1701, open round the clock, information on air travel, tel. Kastrup 1701, open 7 a.m .-n p.m., information on provincial ship arrivals: Det Forenede Dampskibsselskabs Oplysningskontor, (Information office o f the United Steamship Company), tel. Central 222, open round the clock. Sightseeing Tours Sightseeing tours are arranged daily in the tourist season. Piease apply to the travel agencies. IMPORTANT ADDRESSES Post & Tclcgraph Post Offices in Greater Copenhagen: Købmagergade, 33, Købmagergade, open 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Vesterbro, 35-39, Tietgensgade, open 9 a.m -7 p.m. Østerbro, 1, Øster Alle, open 9 a.m - 5,30 p.m. Nørrebro, 70, Jagtvej, open 9 a.rn.-5.30 p.m. Frederiksberg, 27, Guldborgvej, open 9 a.m -5,30 p.m. Valby, 79, Valby Langgade, open 9 a.rn.-5.30 p.m. Brønshøj, 154, Frederikssundsvej, open 9 a.m.-5,30 p.m. Vanløse, 36, Bratskovvej, open 9 a. 111.-5,30 p.m. Pakkepostkontoret, (main office for parcel post), 32, Bernstorffsgade, open 9 a. rn.-5.30 p. m. Toldpostkontoret, (main office for dutiable parcels from abroad) 32, Bernstorffsgade, open 9 a. 111.-4 p.m. Hovedtelegrafkontoret, (main telegraph office), 37, Købmagergade. Consulates iy Postkontoret i Hovedbanegårdens Afgangshal, (Post office in the main station), open 8 a .m -n p.m. Postvæsenets Oplysningskontor, (Post Office Information Service), 32, Bernstorffsgade, tel. Central 6298. Rigstelefonens Oplysning, (Information office for long distance telephone calls), tel. Central 903, lokal 212, always open. Kiosks (Public telephone booths), on all squares in the inner town. The attendant also selis newspapers, stamps, stationery, etc. outside normal business hours. Travel Agencies American Express Comp., Dagmarhus, 12, Vester Boulevard. Bcnnctts Rejsebureau, 47, Rådhuspladsen. Cook, Wagon-lits, Industribygningen, 1, Vesterbrogade. Danske Statsbaners Rejsebureau, (Danish State Railways Travel Agency), 2, Banegårdsplads, (opposite the main station). Dantourist, 40, St. Kongensgade. D .F .D .S. Rejsebureau, (United Steamship Company Travel Agency), Axelborg, Vesterbrogade, (opposite Tivoli). Kongelig Dansk Automobil Klubs Rejsebureau, (Royal Danish Automobile Club Travel Agency), 3, Norre Farimagsgade. Ovcrsoisk Passagerbureau, Axelborg, Axcltorv. Turistforeningen, (Tourist Association), Hovedbanegården, (mainstation). Consulates United States of America, 18, Borgergade. Grcat Britain, 38-40, Kastelsvej. Canada, 25 B, Østerbrogade. Austria, 1, Vesterbrogade. Belgium, 36, Kronprinsessegade. Finland, 5, Hammerensgade. Francc, 4, Kongens Nytorv. Italy, 21, Amaliegade. Netherlands, 59, N y Toldbodgade. Spain, x, Hj. Brantingsplads. Switzerland, 14, Amaliegade. Western Germany, 34, Bredgade. 20 Important Addresses Police Stations Politigården, (Police Headquarters), Polititorvet (E x). Stations: li , Antoniegade - 103, St. Kongensgade - 7, Under Elmene - 2, Eskildsgade - 20, Fælledvejen - 9, Rosenvængets Alle - 35, Toms gårdsvej - 2, Molbechsvej. Lost Property Offices Københavns Politis Hittegodskontor, 84, Flæsketorvet, (Kødbyen), open 10 a.m.-3 p.m., thursday 10 a.m-6 p.m. (Copenhagcn police). 4 Frederiksberg Politis Hittegodskontor, 30, Howitzvej, open 10 a. 111.-3 p.m., thursday 10 a.m.-6 p.m. (Frederiksberg police). Nordre Birks Politis Hittegodskontor, 26, Skt. Hans Torv, open 10 a.111.- 3 p.m., thursday 10 a.m.-6 p.m. (Northern suburbs). Københavns Sporvejes kontor for fundne sager, 53, Gothersgadc, open weekdays 10 a.m.-4 p.m., tel. Central 7448, (municipal transport system). Statsbanernes kontorfor fundne sager, Hovedbanegården, (main station), Ankomsthallen, mod Reventlowsgade, (western wing), open daily 8 a. 111.-7 P-m- (State railways). Porters Availablc on the main station and all important quays. Luggage is transported to any place in Copenhagcn. Messenger Boys Can be ordered through the ‘ Telefonkiosks’ ’, newspaper- and tele- phone stands on all public squares in the city. Guides Piease apply to travel agencies, the Tourist Association or the Guides’ Association (Turistførerforeningen), tel. Nora 2070, to obtain the services o f authorised guides. Banks Banks are open in Copenhagcn from 10 p.m-3 p.m., saturdays 10 a.m .-i p.m., and on fridays 5 p.m.-6 p.m. Banking offices can easily be found in Copenhagen or provincial towns. Closing Hours o f Shops Most shops are open on the first five days o f the week from 8,30 Public Baths 2 1 a.m.-5,30 p. m., fridays till 7 p.m., (department stores however only till 5,30 p.m.), saturdays only till 2 p.m .; sweet shops are open till 10 p.m. Public Baths I. Indoor swimming pools, warm water: Kobenhavns Idrætsparks svømmehal og badeanstalt, Staunings Plads, Øster brogade, (streetcars 1, 4, 14). Frederiksberg Bade- og Svommeanstalt, Yrsavej, (streetcars 2, 9, 18, bus 29). Badeanstalten København, 61, Studiestræde, (near the Rådhusplads), closed on sundays. Damsobadct med svømmehal, 4, Sønderjyllandsalle, (streetcars 1, 14). Municipal baths 15-17, Sofiegade - 12, Sjællandsgade - Enghave Plads, (2-4, Lyrskovs- gade) - 33-35, Frankrigsgade - 12, Borgergade. Sale o f tickets, week- days 7 a.m.-6,30 p.m., saturday 7 a.rn.-8.30 p.m., sunday 7 a.m .- 10,30 a. m. II. Outdoor swimming pools. Københavns Kommunes søbadeanstalt ved Kalvebod Strand, Gasværkshav nens sydmole, (southern quay o f the Gasværkshavn, in the South- Harbour), open May i5th-September ifth. Københavns Kommunes sobadeanstalt ved Langebro, (off Langebro), open May I5th-September isth. Badeanstalten Helgoland, Øresundsvej, open May i5th-September I5th. Badeanstalten Sønderstrand A/S, Borgmester Christiansensgade, ved slu sen i Sydhavnen, (near the sluices in the South-Harbour), open May I5th-Scptember ijth , 6 a.m.-9 p.m. Kastrup Søbad, 363, Amager Strandvej, open May I5th-September i$th, 6 a.m.-8 p.m., sunday 6 a.m.-6 p.m. Kvindelig Idrætsforenings Badeanstalt, Skudehavnen, (Northern part of the harbour), open May I5th-Scptcmber I5th, weekdays 7 a.m .- 9 p. m., sunday 7 a. m.-noon. Badeanstalten Mågen, Hellerup Have, (Hellerup Garden), open May I5th -September ifth. Newspapers Berlingskc Tidende, (morning, conscrvative), Berlingskc Aftenavis, (afternoon, cons.), B.T. Middagsudgave, (noon, cons.), Børsen, (mor ning, trade and financc), Politiken, (morning, radical), Ekstrabladet, 22 Theatres (afternoon, radical), Nationaltidende, (morning, cons.), Social-Demo- kraten, (morning, sodalist)', Information, (afternoon, independent). Danish Handicrafts Denmark is famous for its beautiful china-ware, terracotta, ceramics and silvcr-warc. The leading porcelain factories arc: Den kongelige Porcelænsfabrik (The Royal Porcelain Manufacture), and Bing & Grandal, botli with sales offices on “ Strøget” , i. c. the main business Street, (6, and 4, Amagertorv, resp.). Both are well known for the craftmanship o f their designs, decorative ornaments and glazing. Wcll- known shops for silvcr-warc arc: Georg Jensen, also on “ Strøget” ,- (40, Østergade), and A. Michclscn, n , Bredgade. Just Andersen, 4, Amagertorv, is well-known for his beautiful pewtcr-warc. Articles of terracotta and ceramic from the factories o f Ipscn and Kælder may bc mentioned. Furniture, rugs, silverware, glas and ceramics can bc seen cxhibitcd in Den Permanente (the permanent exhibition), Vesterport, Vester brogade, no admission charge (D 2). AMU SEM EN TS Tlicatrcs A B C Teatret, 84, Frederiksberg Alle, tel. Central 13784, open the whole year. Allegadctcatrct Riddersalen, 7-9, Allegade, tel. Central 15419, open from August to the middle o f May. Alle Scenen, 57, Frederiksberg Alle, tel. Central 1490, open the whole year. Bellahoj Friluftsteater, 40, Bellahøjvej, open June-July. Cirkus, 8, Jernbanegade, tel. Central 4443, Central 2192, open May ist— Oct. ist. Folketeatret, 39, Nørregade, tel. Central 1846, Central 7611, open from the end o f August to ca. June ist. Frederiksberg Teater, 90, Frederiksberg Alle, tel. Central 3998, open the whole year. Friluftsteatret i Dyrehaven, Open air scene, open from the beginning of June to the middle o fJuly*. Det kongelige Teater, (The Royal Theatre), Gamle Scene, (Old Scene), Kongens Nytorv, tel. Central 2830 and 1765/66, open September ist- May 3ist. June ist-i5th summer season, exelusively with ballet performances (F 3). Cinemas 23 N y Scene, (New Scene), Stærekassen, tel. Central 3285 and 326$, open September ist-May 3ist. Nygade Teatret, 3, Nygade, tel. Palæ 4601, open the whole year. Det ny Teater, 44-46, Vesterbrogade, tel. Central 2622 and 1935, open August ist-end o f June. Narrebros Teater, 3, Ravnsborggade, tel. Central 2711, open from the end of August to the end o fJune. Restaurants witli floor shows and dancing. Ambassadrur, Rådhus pladsen - Lorry, 7-9, Allcgadc - Valenda, 32, Vesterbrogade - Natio- nal-Scala, Vesterbrogade, opposite Tivoli - Zigeunerhallcn, 85, Jagt vejen - Atlantic Palacc, Axcltorv. Cirkus, Jernbanegade, (only in the summer). Cinemas Alexandra Teatret, 8, Gammcltorv, tel. Central 1601. Alle Teatret, 44, Jægersborg Alle, Charlottenlund, tel. Ordrup 1404. Carlton-Teatret, 66, Vesterbrogade, tel. Central 9501. Dagmar Bio, 2, Jernbanegade, tel. Central 3222/23. D .S.B. Kino, In the Main Station, tel. Central 13540. Grand Teatret, 8, Mikkelbryggersgadc, tel. Central 2655. Kino-Palæet, 60-62, Gammel Kongevej, tel. Central 3360. Metropol Teatret, 16, Frederiksberggade, tel. central 1510. Nørreport Bio, 80, Nørre Voldgade, tel. Central 4202. Palads Teatret, 9, Axcltorv, tel. Central 4036/37/38. Palladium, Industribygningen, 1, yesterbrogade, tel. Central 4012/13/14. Tivoli, pleasc turn to page 38. Dyrehavsbakken, pleasc turn to page 47. Amager Bio, 123, Amagerbrogade, tel. Central 2076. Atlantic Bio, 2, Christianshavns Torv, tel. Central 2256. Bellevue Teatret, 437, Strandvejen, Klampcnborg, tel. Ordrup 4096. Bristol Teatret, 25, Frederiksberggade, tel. Central 3566 and 3588. Park-Teatret, 79, Østerbrogade, tel. Central 3362. Platan Biografen, 152, Vesterbrogade, tel. Central 6502. Rialto-Tcatret, 2B, Smallegade, tel. Central 6208. Roxy-Teatrct, 14, Godthåbsvej, tel. Central 2191. Saga, 23-25, Vesterbrogade, tel. Central 6686/87/88. Scala-Bio, 2E, Vesterbrogade, tel. Central 7627. Triangel Teatret, 70, Østerbrogade, tel. Central 7047. World Cinema, 8, Jernbanegade, tel. Central 2192. Mtisic - Sport 24 Music Public concerts are held in the Fælledparkcn (summer). Concerts, during the summer daily in Tivoli. Also in Odd-Fellow Palæet, Bredgade, Hornung & Moller, Bredgade, and the Statsradiofonien, (Danish State Radio), Julius Thomsens Plads. (Piease see the daily advertizements). Sport Horse races. Klampenborg Væddeløbsbane, (Klampenborg Race Coursc), Klampenborgvej, season April-November. Entrance fce kr. i, 3 or 5. S-tog (electric suburban .train) to Ordrup. Strectcars 14 and 15. Trotting Races, Traverbanen, Charlottcnlund, Travcrbanevej. Season April-Octobcr. Entrance fee kr. 2 or 4. S-tog, (electric suburban train) to Charlottenlund. Strectcar 14. Bicycle races. (The bike is extremely popula'r in Denmark and has set its mark upon the traffic in Copenhagen.) Ordrupbancn, (Ordrup track) Charlottcnlund, Brannersvej, season April-October. Entrance fee kr. 1,50 or 3, S-tog, (electric train), to Charlottenlund, streetcar 14 or 15. Rowing. Most rowing clubs are situated either on Langelinje or Strand promenaden, (Svanemøllebugten); boat races are held at Langelinje and on Bagsværd Sø (Bagsværd lake). Sailing. Yachting harbours at Langelinje, Svanemøllebugt and Skovs hoved. Races are held in the Øresund (the Sound). Football. (Soccer) is played nearly the whole year at Idrætsbane, Fælledparken, or on the grounds owncd by the different clubs. Tennis. Tennis courts at Kløvermarksvej, 147, Peder Bangsvej (Køben havns Boldklub), Staunings Plads, (Boldklubben af 1893), and others. Most tournaments are held on the courts at the stadion, Staunings Plads. Hcre, also indoor courts are availablc. Golf. Københavns Golfklub, (Copenhagen Golf Club), golf course on the Ercmitageslctte, 18 holes. Railway to Springforbi. Athletics. Østerbro Stadion and Frederiksberg Stadion. Gymnastics. Tournaments and demonstrations are often held in the Idrætshus, Østerbro Stadion. Boxing. Fights in the 1Idrætshus, Østerbro Stadion, “ KB-Hallcn” , Peder Bangsvej, “ Forum” , Julius Thomsens Plads. 25 Schedule SCH EDU LE One day only Starting Point: Rådhusplads. Eastwards through Frederiksberggade across Gammeltorv through Nørregade to Domkirken, (cathedral) and the University. Con- tinuing in Nørregade passing Set. Petri Kirke, (the German Church) to Krystalgade. Down this Street to Rundetårn (the Round Tower) on Købmagergade. From liere through Landemærket to Kongens Have (The royal garden). To the left through Gothersgade passing Livgardens Kaserne, (barracks o f the royal guards), and Botanisk Have, (botanical garden), at Østervoldgade to Rosenborg Slot, (castle o f the roses, a i6th century royal seat), and Statens Museum for Kunst, (picturc gallcry). From liere to Grønningen along Kastels graven, (the moats o f the former citadel), to Esplanaden, passing the Engelske Kirke, (English Church), and Gefionspringvandet, (Gefion fountain) to Langelinjepromenaden, (harbour promenade). Back through Amaliegade to Amalienborg Slot, (Royal residence) Amalienborg. 26 Schedule and through Bredgade, passing the Marmorkirke, (marble church) to Kongens Nytorv. Crossing this place and passing by the Kongelige Teater, (royal theatre) to Holmens Kanal and Holmens Kirke, (naval church), over Holmens Bro, (Holmen’s bridge) to Slotsholmen, (Castle Island), with Børsen, (stock exchange), Christiansborg Slot, (parliament), and Bibliotekshaven, (garden of the royal library), Thorvaldsens Museum, (The Thorvaldsen Museum), over the Stormbro, (assault bridge) to Nationalmuseet, (national museum), in the Prinsens Palæ, (former residence of a crownprince), through Stormgade to the Glyptoteket, (museum o f antique sculpture), and finally Tivoli. Eastwards through Frederiksberggade Crossing Gammeltorv through Nørregade to the Domkirken, (cathedral) and the Univer- sity. Passing Set. Petri Kirke (the Gcrman Church) to the left through Krystalgade to the Rundetårn, (the Round Tower). Continuing through Købmagergade to “ Strøget” , (main business Street) and to to the left to Kongens Nytorv with Charlottenborg, (Royal Academy) and Det kongelige Teater, (Royal Theatre). Through Holmens Kanal to Holmens Kirke, (naval church), across Holmens Bro to Slotsholmen, (Castle Island), with Børsen, (stock exchange), Chri stiansborg Slot, (Parliament), Tøjhusmuseet, (historie museum), Det kongelige Bibliotek, (Royal Library), and Bibliotekshaven, (garden of the Royal Library), Thorvaldsens Museum, (Thorvaldsen Museum), and Slotskirken, (Parliament’s church). Turning north- wards through Rådhusstræde and Nytorv through Frederiksberg gade back to the Rådhusplads. Aftcrnoon: Frederiksberg and Zoo. Evening: Tivoli. 2itd day. From thq Rådhusplads southwards to N y Carlsberg Glyptoteket, (collection o f antique art), through Stormgade to Nationalmuseet, (national museum) in Prinsens Palæ (former resi dence o f a crownprince). Over the Marmorbroen, (marble bridge), through the courtyard o f Christiansborg Castle, across Højbro Plads and Amagertorv with the picturesque old fishmarket to the left through “ Strøget” (main business Street) back to the Rådhusplads. 4-5 D AY S ist day. Starting point: Rådhuspladsen: Points of Interest 27 Afternoon: Charlottenlund, Danmarks Akvarium (maritime museum and aquarimn), and Klampenborg, (Bcllevue - excursion point at the seaside). Evening: Dyrehavsbakken, (Amusement park). jrd day. From Kongens Nytorv through Gothersgadc passing by the Kongens Have, (king’s garden) and Livgardens Kaserne, (bar racks o f the royal guards) through Østervoldgadc to Rosenborg Castle and Statens Museum for Kunst, (picture gallery) to Lange linje, (harbour promenade), and returning by Amalienborg, (Royal residcnce) to Marmorkirken, (marble church) through Bredgade back to Kongens Nytorv. jth day. In the morning by boat or train to Helsingør, (Elsinore), (Kronborg Castle). B y train to Fredensborg (Fredensborg Castle) and further on to Hillerød, (Frederiksborg Castle), and back to Copenhagen. 5
PO INTS OF IN TERE ST Vicwpoints Rundetårn, (Round Tower), Købmagergade. Rådhustårnet, (tower o f the City Hall), Rådhuspladsen. Marmorkirken, (marble church), Bredgade. Vor Frelsers Kirke, (Our Saviour’s Church), Christianshavn. The tower in the Zoo. Airport o f Copenhagen The airport o f Copenhagen, Kastrup, is situated on the east coast o f Amager, 8 km from the center of the city. The airport covers an area of 600 hektar. Thcre are'4 landing strips, the biggest being 2300 metres long and 80 metres wide. The large, modern administration budding has been cnlarged in 1949. The airport disposes o f very large and the most up-to-date installations and equipmcnt. From Hammers restaurant in the main budding one has a splendid view o f the entirc airport. 'Exhibitions Charlottenborg, Kongens Nytorv, (contemporary paintings). 28 Points o f Interest Denfrie Udstilling, opposite Østerport station, (modern paintings). Den permanente, Vesterport, (modern furniture and handicraft, also sale). Forum, Jul Thomsensplads, (Various special exhibitions all times o f the year). Kunstindustrimuseet, 68, Bredgade, (various exhibitions o f handicraft). Tivoli, Vesterbrogade, after the season, (various exhibitions). Bcllahøj, (Annual cattle show). Libraries Danmarks tekniske Bibliotek, io, Øster Voldgade (F 4), open weckdays 10 a.m.-6 p. m., (Engineering and tcchnology). Det kongeligeBibliotek, (Royal Library), Slotsholmen, (behind parliament) (F 2), open weckdays 9 a.m .-io p.m., April-September 9 a. m.-7 p.m., (general knowledge, Judaica, early Danish prints). Universitetsbiblioteket, (University library), Frueplads (E 3), open week- days 9 a.m.-8 p.m., (humaniora, Icelandic mss.). Kunstakademiets Bibliotek, (Academy library), Charlottenborg (F 3), open 1 p.m.-6 p.m., (May-August 1 p.m.~5 p.m.) saturday ioa.m .- 2 p.m. (Art). Hdndværkcrbiblioteket, (library o f trades and technology), Teknologisk Institut, (Institute o f Technology), 24, Vester Farimagsgade, open noon-3 p.m. and 7 p.m .-io p.in., sundays 9 a.m .-n ,30 a.m. Kobenhavns Kommunebiblioteker, (municipal libraries), Hovedbiblioteket, (main library), Nikolaj Kirkebygning, (Nikolaj Church), open 10 a.m.-6 p.m. (May-August xo a.m .-io p.m.). Frederiksberg Kommunes Bibliotek, (Frederiksberg municipal library), 21-25, Solbjergvej, open weckdays 10 a.m .-io p.m., (June-August, saturdays 10 a.m .-4 p.m.), sundays 1 p.m.-6 p.m. Botanisk Have, (botanical garden), Corner o f Øster Voldgade and Gothersgade (E 3-4), laid out in 1871-74, with beautiful statues, copies o f antique sculptures, rockeries with mountain flora from all continents, greenhouses, open daily from 7 a.in.-sunset. The great greenhousc (palm trees) is from April ist-September 30th open daily 1 p. 111.-4 p.in., no entrance fee. From October ist-March 3ith, sun days, tuesdays and fridays 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. Børsen, (stock exchange), built in the years 1619-40 by King Christian IV., Slotsholmen, (just off parliament) (F 2). 29 Churches Carlsberg Bryggerierne, (Carlsberg Breweries), Vcsterfællcdvej 100 (B i),opcn weekdays 8.3oa.m.-i4.3op.m.,no cntrance fee, Carlsberg Museum, see under museums and collections, page 36. Domhuset, (Courts o fJustice), (E 2), formerly City Hall, built 1807-17, Dcscription, page 39. Kastellet, (The Citadel), Just off Langelinje, built anno 1662, open May-August 9 a.m.-8 p.m., September-April 9 a. 111.-4 p.m. Churches Vor Frue Kirke, (Our Lady’s Church, cathedral o f Copenhagen), Nørregade, (E 3), rebuilt in its present shape after the bombardement in 1807 in the years 1811-29, description page 40, admittance page 36. Frederikskirken, (Marmorkirken) (marblc church), Bredgade (F 3), completcd in 1894 after having been in ruins since 1770. Description page 45, admittance, page 36. Vor Frelser Kirke, (Our Saviour’s Church), Christianshavn (G 2), description page 4$, admittance, page 36. Grundtvigskirken, (Grundtvig’s Church), Bispebjerg (B 7), dedicated 1940 as national monument to bishop Grundtvig. Built o f yellow bricks in the style o f Danish parish churches. Admittance, page 36. Helligåndskirken, (Church o f the Holy Ghost), Amagertorv (E2); after the great fire in 1728 rebuilt in 1730-32, description page 41. Holmens Kirke, (naval church), Holmens Kanal (F2), opposite parlia- ment, originally built as a naval smithy in 1563, during the reign of King Frederik II, transformed into a church in 1619 by King Chri stian IV, renaissance, description page 41, admittance, page 36. Marmorkirken, see under Frederikskirken. Sankt Albans Kirke, (Anglican Church), Langelinje (G 4). Sankt Petri Kirke, (German Church), at the corner o f Nørregade and Skt. Pcdcrsstræde (E 3), the oldest church o f Copenhagen, description page 40. Slotskirken, (parliamcntary church), built in 1826, description page 42. Cemetcries with well known graves Assistens Kirkegård, Nørrebrogade (C 4). A number o f the celebrities o f the last century are buried liere. Among these we mention: H. C. Andersen, V. Bissen, C. W. Eckersbcrg, Henrik Hertz, Søren Kierke gaard, Viggo Stuckenberg and H. C. Ørsted. Points of Intercst 30 Bispebjerg Kirkegård (A 7), laid out in 1903, the most extensivc churchyard in Copenhagen. Near thc cntrance thc great hall of urns. Frederiksberg Kirkegård at Frederiksberg Church (B 2). Here Adam Oehlcnschlagcr is buried. Garnisons Kirkegård, Østerbrogade (F 5), laid out in 17 11, with the grave o f Olaf Ryc. A bronce-bust by H. V. Bissen is placed on the grave., Holmens Kirkegård, opposite Garnisons Kirkegård. The oldest churchyard in Copenhagen, laid out in 1666. Ainong the well known persons buried here we mention: Christian Winther and Johan Ludvig Heiberg. Vestre Kirkegård, between Vigerslev Alle and Enghavevej, laid out in 1870. Also here a number o f well known people are buried, anxong whom we mention: H. N. Andersen, Herman Bang, Niels R. Finsen, P. E. Lange-Muller, Kaj Nielsen, and Th. Stauning. Monument to the unknown concentration camp victim Erected at the Helligåndskirke, (Church o f the Holy Ghost), on “ Strøget” , (main Street) (E 2). Monument to the fallen seamen in world war II At Nyhavn, a memorial has been erected to commemorate the Mindelunden, (Memorial Grove), Tuborgvej, Hellerup, near the spot, where the Germans executed Danish patriots, and at the place, where they hastily buried them, a beautiful ccmetery and memorial grove has been laid out. Apart from thc executed patriots also a number o f Danes who succumbed in German concentration cainps are buried here. Open January 10 a. m.~4 p.m., February 10 a.m .- 5 p.m., March 10 a. 111.-6 p.m ., April 10 a. 111.-7 p.m., May 10 a.m .- 8 p.m., June andjuly 10 a.m.-9 p.m., August 10 a.m.-8 p.m., Sept. 10 a.m .-7 p.m., Oct. 10 a.m.-6 p.m., November 10 a.01.-5 P-m., Dec. 10 a. 111.-4 p. m. Museums Collection o f astronomical instruments, Rundetårn (E 3), (Round Towcr), admittance, page 37. Greenhouses, botanical garden, admittance, page 28. sacrifices of the Danish seamen (F 3). Monuments from the Occupation Museums 31 Carlsberg Museum, i, Valby Langgade (B i), (The development o f the brewing industry through a century) no admittance fee, opening hours, page 36. Dragør Museum, near Dragør harbour in the oldest budding in Dragør, old costumes, architectural drawings, ship models, etc. Fiskerimuseet, (museum of fisheries), 7, Nørregade, founded in 1888, collection o f boat types from the i6th century to modern times. Admittance, page 36. Frilandsmuseet, 100, Kongevejen, founded 1901, consists o fa beauti- ful park with old, original farmhouscs, windmills, etc., which have been moved to this spot from different Danish provinccs. Admit tance, page 000. Hirschsprungskc Samling, (gallery), Stockholmsgade (E 4), founded in 1902. A collection o f I9th century Danish paintings, pasteis, water colours, drawings, etc., works by Joakim Skovgaard and P. S. Krøyer are exhibited in special rooms. Opening hours, page 36. Jernbanemuseet, (railway museum), 40, Sølvgade, a collection of models o f waggons, locomotives, stations, signalling systems, bridges, etc. Admittance, page 36. Kunstindustrimuseet, (museum o f industrial art), 6&, Bredgade, founded in 1890. The building is a former hospital, built in 1752/3. A valuable collection o f handicraft from the middle ages to our time. Contains also a collection o f musical instruments. (Musikhistorisk Museum). Admittance, page 36. Københavns Bymuseum, (museum o f the City o f Copenhagcn) (E 2), The City Hall, founded in 1901, illustrates the history o f the town since the middle ages. Opening hours, page 36. Landbrugsmuseet, (museum o f agriculture), Kongevejen, Lyngby, opposite the Frilandsmuseum. Founded in 1888, collections o f old tools and machinery from Danish villages, village-crafts, pictures, maps, etc., opening hours, page 000. Mineralogisk Museum, (mineralogy), 7, Øster Voldgade, the geo- logy of Denmark and Greenland, etc., opening hours, page 36. Nationalmuseet, (National Museum), Prinsens Palæ, 12, Frederiks- holms Kanal (E 2), founded in 1807 with the old royal collections as basis; section I: Danish collections. The prehistoric periods, stone age, bronce age, iron age and viking age. Section II: Middle Ages and the period until 1660. Also collections to demonstrate the development o f the Danish village and small town from 1660 on- wards. Ethnographical collections, especially the Eskimo collec- Points of Interest 32 tions (mainly contributed by the polar explorer Knud Rasmussen). Antique collcctions from Egypt, the Middle East, Greece and Rome. The Royal Collection o f Coins. Danish and foreign coins and medals through the ages. Admittance, page 36. Nyboder Mindestuer, (Nyboder museum), 20, St. Paulsgade, hi- storical collections from these 300 year old naval dwellings. N y Carlsberg Glyptoteket, Dantes Plads (E 2), collection o f antique and i9th century sculpture. Originally the private collection o f the brewer Carl Jacobsen, but in 1888 bestowed by him to the City of Copenhagen. Entrance hall works by H. V. Bissen Ground floor: Bissen Hall, Jerichau Hall, Caryatides Hall, Sidelight Hall with works by Danish, Norwegian, German and English artists. Christ Hall. ist floor, a collection of ipth century Frcnch paintings. Antiksamlingen, (The antique collection), in the new budding contains collections of antique sculpture from Egypt, the Middle East, Greece, Rome and the Etruscans. Admittance, page 37. Statens Museum for Kunst, (State Art Gallery), Østre Anlæg, Øster Voldgade (E 4), built in 1889-96 in Italian renaissance. In the park sculptures by Danish artists o f the ipth and 20th centuries. I section: Danish paintings from the i8th century to the present time. Also sculptures by Danish artists. II section. Mainly Dutch paintings from the former royal collection, as well as paintings by Scandi- navian, Italian and Frcnch artists. Den kongelige Kobberstiksamling, (royal collection o f engra- vings), containing numerous copper-plate engravings, woodeuts, etchings and prints. Skulptursamlingen, (collection o f sculptures), containing copics of the most characteristic statuary through the times. Opening hours, page 37 - Teatermusect, (theatrical museum), Southern wing of Christians borg Castle, founded in 1912, with pictures and objects pertaining to the history o f the Danish theatre from Holberg to the present time. Thorvaldsens Museum, Slotsholmen (E 2), (Castle Island), On the three side and back walls a pleasing frieze by the painterJørgen Sonne, depicting Thorvaldsens return to Copenhagen. The museum con tains Thorvaldsens own works, his collections o f paintings and classical antiquities, as well as personal objects and souvenirs. In the courtyard Thorvaldsens grave. (Bertel Thorvaldsen 1770-1844). Built in 1839-48. Opening hours, page 37.
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