(elevation) whence a wide view of the Sound and Caltegat. No finer finish to this excursion can be imagined than a visit to Odins Hoj. Far below you the expanse of Catte- gat; in the distant the Swedish coast with the castle of Sofiero and Kullagunnarstorp, and the rugged peak of Kullen. From this place you return to Helsingor by Strand- vejen. From Helsingor you may take train or boat for Copenhagen. The steamers pass the following places S n e k k e r s te n , S k o tte ru p and Hum lebsek from all of which excursions to Gu rre may be arranged, then SI el- ten , R un g sted with a monument of the poet Johannes Ewald, and Sm id s tru p , the property of King George of Greece; and last the villages of V edbsek , S k o d s b o r g , Taa rb sek , K lam p e n b o r g and S k o v s h o v e d , in all of which are hotels. In fine weather nothing can be compared to the re turn by sea to Copenhagen, when of a bright summer’s eve the setting sun sheds its golden light over the Sound and the beautiful forest-bordered coasts of Zealand; per haps the finest sight in the whole of Denmark. Roskilde. An excursion to this place can be accomplished in half a day. At the head railway station you take your ticket for the historic old city of Roskilde, which lies snugly at the foot of a smiling bay. The foundation stone of the present R o s k ild e C a th ed ra l (admission see newspapers) which is built after the model of the Cathedral at Tournai is believed to have been laid by Peder Suneson in L193. It was the scene of several conflagrations, and its appearance has been somewhat changed by the addition of some chapels, of which the mortuary chapel of Christian IV is very beautiful, though not kept in the style of the church. In spite of Vandalisms during the time of the Reformation and at the commencement of this century,
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