61 is still used as barracks for the garrison. The Queen Ca­ roline Mathilde was kept a prisoner in this place in 1772). A splendid view can be obtained from the fla g ba ttery. There is a picture gallery of some interest in the castle. En­ trance by the first door to the left in the inner casfle court. Admission fee to the picture-gallery, church and towers 3O0re; to the church, the interior of which is very mag­ nificent, 20 0re; to the casemates tor a party of 1— 8 persons 25 0re each; a parly of 9— 14 persons 20 0re each. Of special interest are the casemates with their gloomy prison vaults, where according to tradition the guardian spirit of Denmark »Holger Danske« is awaiting the hour to succour his country in its sorest need. From the Kron- borg avenue you go along H e s tem o lle s tr s e d e to St M aria K irk e (St. Marys church), where Dyveke is in­ humed. The church is adjoining the old interesting S o rte - b r o d r e K lo s te r (now Hospital), which should be visited for its beautiful well preserved cruciform walk. Besides these Ilelsingor can boast of a number of interesting old buildings with carved woodwork and pointed gables etc. If time permits, excursions to the-environs are highly to be recommended. From the hospital you go along Si. Annagade to the right till you arrive at a park in which stands the old M a rien ly s t S lo t (castle, erected in 1580). From the terrace behind the castle a fine view of the town with Kronborg and the Sound. Here is the grave of H am let opposite to the M a r ie n ly s t b a th in g e s ta b ­ lishm e n t (opened in 1859) with hotel, concert-hall, re­ staurant, a beautiful park and an exquisite view of the Sound with Kullen and Helsingborg. It is a favourite re­ sort of travellers and has excellent sea baths. From this place an excursion, which will involve about 3 hours, may be made by carriage along the Strandvej past Ju le- bsekshuset (foresters cabin with restaurant) to Hellebaek through the beautiful T e g ls lru p Hegn.{wood) to »Bonde- dammen«, »Sorte So«, »Klare So^ and a number of smaller lakes, which lend to this wood a peculiar charm. From Hellebaek past A a lsg a a rd (hotel) to O d in s Hoj

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