M a rm o rh a v en (the marble garden) with numerous marble statues. In that part of the garden, lying to the left of the castle, is »N orm a n d s d a le n « with a large number of grotesque statues of Norwegian peasants in their natio­ nal dresses. Taking the avenue, which to the left of the castle leads to the lake, you arrive at two nice tea p a v ilo n s by K o n g e b r o e n . In close vicinity is the R u s s ia n w o o d e n h o u s e , which though very fine in itself looses its effect when framed in by the Danish beech-forest. From Kongebroen a splendid view of Gripskov across Esromso (lake Esrom). At' sunset this spot is especially charming. Leaving the bridge by the road on the right, you arrive a t S k ip p e r h u s e t , whence ferry to N od d eb o . From Noddebo as a centre excursions can be made to G r ip s k o v , E srom and G i ll e le je (see under Frede- riksborg). To the left of Kongebroen, S u kk en e s A lle and a contiguous avenue to the right lead to the castle and the outlet of the garden. From Fredensborg you take the train for Helsingor. From Ivvistgaard S ta tion fine excursions can be made to Gurre (see under Helsingor) and Humlebsek. Leaving the railway station at Helsingor (architect Holsoe) you see to the left the magnificent castle of K r o n b o r g with its towers and battlements, the s h ip ­ b u ild in g yard opposite the harbour, and the Sound with H e ls in g b o r g in the middle of which the old castle- tower Karnan rises its venerable head. On the right the smiling Sound with Ilv e en and the wooded coast of Zea­ land. From the station (vehicles in attendance) you turn to the left through the narrow B isp estraed e to S ten - gad e with the fine Raadhus (town-hall) (architect Seidelin). On a street off Stengade stands St. O lai K irk c (church dating from the later middleage with an epitaph of Hans Rostgaard). We now go along the harbour to the left, past the shipbuilding yard, and take the avenue leading to K r o n b o r g (erected in 1577— 1585 on the site of the old' Krogen). It has now lost its importance as a fortress, but

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