59 Opposite the castle is Jae g e r bakken (the huntsman’s hill), whence a beautiful view of the castle. A little more distant is S k a n s e b a k k e n (248 ft.), with a charming view across the undulating country of Zealand. (If you can dispose of more than one day for the excursion, the train on the Gripskov-railway will take you to the beautiful G r i p s k o v (forest) with the picturesque Gr i p s o (pavilion), to F r u e b j mr g (207 ft. high) with a beautiful view to the idyllic » So l y s t « at the northeast point of the lake of Esrom, and to E s r om K l o s t e r (old monastery) with ruins of interesting buildings and » Br o d o r R u s ’ Ri st«, an iron grate, on which according to tradition a friar, *>bro­ ther Rus«, was roasted because he, being possessed of the devil, seduced the monks to »an evil and depraved life«. The terminus of the Gripskop-railway is G i l l e l e j e (new bathing hotel). If no train starts for Fredensborg within an hour of your arrival at the station, it is advisable for you to take a carriage at Leidendorffs Hotel, the distance being only 1 Danish (about 5 English) miles. F r e d e n s b o r g (Jsernbane-holel and Slots-hotel si­ tuated close to the castle). Standing in front of the beau­ tiful white castle (admission see newspapers), which is picturesquely set off by green trees, you behold to the right along the castle garden a row of quaint old cottages in the middle of which a modern country house, bought by the late Czar of Russia. A visit to the halls of the castle is indeed of some interest, but the sight of Fredens­ borg is the beautiful pa r k , to which you gain admission by the entrance immediately to the right of the castle which was erected by Frederik IV from 1720— 24 in commemoration of the peace with Sweden. The castle has often been the residence of Danish Kings, and of late years our present King has gathered around him in this place a number of Rulers of foreign countries). Entering the park by a passage through the castle to the left of the chapel, you have before you the magnifi­ cent statues by W i e d e w e l t representing De nma r k and No rwa y . To the left along the facade of the castle is

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