55 road straight ahead F o r t u n e n with restaurant is reached whence a fine view of the country as far as Copenhagen. From this place back to U l v e d a l e n e a splendid hilly piece of woodland scenery. Next the open plain of Ere- mi t a g e s l e t t e n is reached. You drive on to the beautiful little Er emi t a g e S l o t (erected under Christian VI in 1736 by Thurah), restaurant, splendid view all around to the East of the Sound to the West of the plain with the race-course. Near the castle are >the Scandinavian slone« and »the Schlesvic stone« monumental stones erected on the occasion of the first S t ud e n t s g a t he r i ng in 1861 and the visit of the S o u t h - J u t l a n d e r s in 1865. From here to Ra a d v a d and S t a mp e mo l l e n , industrial estab­ lishments founded by Frederik III. From hereto Sko d s - b o r g (Hotel 0resund and Skodsborg bathing establishment). From the terraces above the last named Hotel a splendid view of the Sound with Ilveen and the Swedish coasKcan be ob­ tained. This view in connection with the vicinity of Dyre- haven and the excellent sea-baths has established the fame of Skodsborg far beyond the boundaries of the country. From Skodsborg return by - Dyrehaven to the beautiful B o l l e mo s e , then go on to l l u n d f o r b i and back by Stampen past Hj o r t e k s e r s hus e t through the open luxuriant undulating corn-fields. You will soon after behold the picturesque 0 r h o l m (with hotel) then So H e ­ ro d with its church towering on a wooded hill (snug inn with a fine garden). The lake in view whose borders are studded with cottages is approached by a picturesque defile. (If you continue along the carriage-road past the lake you will arrive at the exLensive R u d e r s k o v (forest) which especially in autumn presents a fine view). By following the promenade to the left along the lake you pass through Geel Sk o v (forest) by romantic arbo- rous paths, which lead to the carriage road by Ny Ho l t e (hotel). From this place you continue to D r o n n i n g - gaa r d (by road or by steamer) originally a manor house erected towards the close of the last century, for a time during his exile the residence of the Duke of Orleans, the

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