56 later King Louis Philippe. An inscription on one of the numerous statues in the beatiful Park is supposed to have been written by him. The manor has now been trans­ formed into a hotel, and quite a collage village lias sprung up on the subdivided acres of the estate. It is the centre of beautiful scenery with a wide view across the beauti­ ful F u r e s e (lake). From Ny I l ol t e you take the so- called Kongevej (Kings road) across the high Ge e l - 13alike (hill) through Geel Sk o v (forest) (to the left of the road may be seen the forests around 0 r h o l m and 13rede), then turn to the right across the railway-line, through the village Vi rum and you will soon arive at F r e d e r i k ' s da l . An imposing and ravishing view may be obtained of Foreseen with the surrounding forests of N o r r e s k o v and Ko l l e k o l l e . Passing the elegant and comfortable F r e d e r i k s d a l Sl o t (built by Jardin in the middle of last century, fine garden) you arrive at F r e d e ­ r i ks da l Kr o (inn) nice garden with arbours. Now take the road to the right past F r e d e r i k s d a l Mo lie then again to the right to the hills by the Fureso whence a splendid view to a small hill on the borders of the lake next to Frederiksdal. This was formerly the site of an old castle, H j o r l h o l m , where T o v e the mistress of King Valdemar I is said to have lived. The castle was destroyed during the civil war in 1 534 - 36. From Frederiksdal a num­ ber of fine excursions may be made; for instance through No r r e s k o v to F i s k e b e e k (hotel) and Fa rum (hotel) by F a r um So (lake), to Hu l s o and Bagsvserd So near Frederiksdal, to St or e- og Pi l e Ha r e s k o v , to Ny F r e d e r i k s d a l , where Bagsvserd and Lyngby So are joi­ ning each other. Very pleasant b o a t i ng e x c u r s i o n s can be made on Furesoen, Bagsvserd- and Lyngbyso. (A boat in Furesoen can be procured by applying at the mill or at the house to the left of the hills by the lake near the inn; boats for Lyngby and Bagsvserd So can be hired at the house next to the bridge at Ny Fre. deriksdal). To be highly recommended is a trip by the small steamers which run regularly between Lyngby and

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