archal and which astonishing- the stranger inspired the stanza of Charles Joliet:

A Tivoli, messieurs, tout se passe en famille Et sans danger la mere y conduira sa fille.

Saturday is the most select evening with symphony-concerts in the great concert-hall. On Sundays and days of festival the esta­ blishment is visited by the general public. On such evenings the population of Copenhagen is keeping holiday, while the establish­ ment is resplendent with thousands upon thousands of variegated lights like the garden of Aladdin, the music is sounding. P ie rro t is acting his funny parts always equally appreciated, Colum ­ bine is making her pirouettes, and last not least the splendid fireworks are let off and eatherine-wheels and hissing rockets mounting on high are sending a bright message of festival and merry-making over the city. Just inside of the gates of Tivoli you see on your left the small Ch i n e s e P a n t om i me T h e a t r e (architect Dahlerup) with its variegated drop in shape of a peacock’s tail. To the right in the shrubbery the » I I a rmo n i o r - ke s t e r « orchestral band, a little further on the picturesque Moresque Bazaar. To the left is the artists plain where rope-dancing, aerial feats and the like is performed. Further to the left the great C o n c e r t - Ha l l with its beauti­ ful veranda covered with foliage (Every evening music of a string-band). Around the Concert-Hall is a favourite promenade and behind it may be seen the last remains of the old city-moat, where the Fr i g a t e , a floating restau­ rant is moored. (From Tivoli trams to all parts of the city). Excursions from Copenhagen. Dyrehaven (park)—Sollerod-Holte—Frederiksdal-Lyngby. Dyrehaven (park and Royal hunting-grounds) may be reached by three different routes, 1. by train (from the Ivlampcnborg station on Gyldenlovesgade, and from the 0stbanegaard, east terminus), 2. by carriage and tram along Strandvejen and 3. by steamer from llavnegade, a few minutes walk from Kongens Nytorv along Nyhavn.

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