52 the fence you arrive at the second outlet of the park by K o r u p s Ha v e which lias long been a well-known garden- restaurant. From this place to the right along the »Lang- gade« of the village Valby, where the first road on the left leads down to J e s u s k i r k e n (church) erected by E t a t s r a a d Da h l e r u p to the order of Mr. Carl J a c o b s e n . This church is remarkable by its detached b e l l - t o w e r , and its magnificent appointments, amongst other things 82 supporting columns of granite, the baptis mal font, the altar etc. The altar consist of the altar- table made from a cedar from Libanon and a dross inlaid with valuable stones. The most beautiful and remarkable object in the Jesuschurch is however the a l t a r - f r i e z e by S t e p h a n S i n d i n g representing our Saviour standing with outstretched arms to receive the martyrs thronging around him from East and West. In the crypt of the church is the family mausoleum of the founder Mr. Carl Jacobsen. From the church you may return to the city by different routes. Returning- to the right by Valby Langgade (trams to Tivoli) to the outlet of Soudermarken by Korups Have you continue along the straight avenue to the outlet by Frederiksberg Slot (opposite the outlet is a fountain. Under the surrounding lawns there is a great reservoir for the water-supply of the city). The outlet reached you may turn to the right and continue along the Roskilde-road down the Fredriksberg castle-hill from the base of which you may cross the Roskilde-road to Frederiksberg Have pass the castle and the outlook, proceed down the hill and further along the as phalted path to the main-entrance byRunddelen; whence you may take the tram by Alleen to Tivoli. T i v o l i (PI. II. J. 8) summer pleasure establishment was laid out on the site of the old fortifications in 1843 by G. Carslensen, whose bust stands in the grounds. Amusements from 4— 11 p. m. on weekdays, from 4— 12 p. m. on Sundays. Admission: 50 0re for adults 25 0re for children. This, the Eldorado of Copenhagen, is entered by the beautiful arched portal in the front budding. Tivoli as an establishment of amusement is unique in Europe: unique by its beautiful well utilized grounds and more so by its refined stamp, which you might almost be induced to term patri
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