to the snug, round F rederiksberg church (erected during the reign of Christian VI). The churchyard is the last resting place of the Poet-lung Adam Oehlenschlager (he rests close to the ehurchwall farthest from Frederiksberg Alle), of Knud Lyhne Iiahbek and his brilliant wife Karen Margrethe nee Heger, and of Hostrup. Standing on Runddelen, the open space in front of the church, you have before you the entrance to F r e d e r i k s b e r g Have (park) a beautiful elegant gate. On the right Allegade (trams to Norrebro and Raadhuspladsen) with its numerous cottages, restaurants and varieties. At the end of Allegade on the corner of Smallegade is a statue of Oe h l e n s c h l a g e r . On the left is the entrance to the garden of I I a v e s e l s k a b e t and the rural P i l e a l l e (trams by Vesterbrogade to Tivoli, lvongens Nytorv, Gronningen and Osterbro). Just inside the gate of Frederiksberg Have stands a statue of King Frederik VI (by Bissen) who greatly admi red the park where he could be seen early and late »wilh his beloved family«. A walk in the park is highly recommended. Follow the path to the right from the statue past the first canal-bridge, whence a fine view may be obtained. Crossing the bridge and turning to the left you will sec a decorative, variegated Chinese summerhouse, used in the time of Frederic VI as a leapavilion now closed to the public. Passing a walk on the right, another on the left, and a third on the right you arrive at one of the characteristic arched bridges across the canal. A couple of paces to the right and you have on your left l v i l de - g r o t t e n and opposite thereto a landing-bridge for boats, which are to let for a pull on the canal, a very pleasant trip indeed. A little further along the walk is an old yellow building called » F a s a n g a a r d e n « ‘ which was once the abode of Oehlenschliiger. Returning by the same route (to the right on the hill is the A p i s t e m p l e and entrance of the Zoological Gardens) past the »Kilden« (fountain) you will soon reach the white facade of the palace. Before you commence the ascent refreshments may 4
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