48 » Da n i s h F o l k e mu s e u m * (admission see newspapers) comprising rich collections of furniture etc. illustrating the way of living of the peasantry from the year 1600 to our time, and many interesting objects from the lime of the corporations. The fact that all objects arc arranged in i n t e r i o r s makes this museum especially interesting to the visitor. The 3rd street on the left from Frihedsstotten Helgolands- gade leads to the cattle-mart and public shambles of Copenhagen, corner of Ny Stormgade and Ivviegtorvsgade. To the right on Stenosgade stands the new Noman catholic church » Je s u l l j e r t e s Ivirke« (PI. d. J. 6) concecraled the 3. Nov. 95. Tke next note-worthy building is the old S k y d e b a n e (shooting-ground) (PI. a. b. J. 6) at the corner of Absa- lonsgade. It lies in stately retirement behind a wooden- fe-nce and forms with its beautiful oldlashioneu manorial facade a sharp contrast to the surrounding modern bar­ racks. In this place the venerable kgl. » S k y d e b r o d r e - s e l s kab * hold their shootings at the popinjay and most fashionable assemblies were held in this place in former days. Both Thorvaldsen, Oehlenschliiger and others of their famed contemporaries have often been the honored guests at this place. A litlle further on, the street branches off to the left to Vesterbrogade to the right to Frederiksberg Alle, which is yet picturesque, although of late years, being hemmed in by a number of modern buildings, it has lost part of its rural appearance. Close to the end of the Alle (avenue) on the left is „Mor- sk a b sth e a tre t“ (PI. a. J. 3( where reviews are being played in summer, and on the right the places of amusement „A11 den- b e r g 4 and „S omm erlyst“ where especially on Sundays a motley crowd of people is moving about. Alleenberg is the favourite resort of soldiers and servant-girls, who here while away their leisurehours by swinging and dancing to the music of an orchestra composed of blind musicians. Sommerlyst enjoys a more select attendance. In both places a deafening noise prevails, a perfect contrast to the quiet spot just opposite viz: „F re d e rik sb e rg K irk e g a a rd “ (the churchyard of Frederiksberg) hidden behind a long white wall. To the left of liu n d d e le n is the entrance

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