50 be partaken of at Jostys pavilion which lies among the green trees a few paces to the left of the walk. From the hill of Frederiksberg yon may have a wide and splendid view of Co­ penhagen, from the castle terrace a fine view of the park. Returning by the walk to the right to Roskilde road j you see to the left a steep hill opposite Sondermarken and to the right the main avenue of F r e d e r i k s b e r g Sl o t (PI. J. 1) erected by King Frederic IV in Italian style, the summer residence of several kings, now used as a military school. To the right of the road is the flat open land with D a mh u s s o e n , one of the lakes from which Copenhagen is supplied with water. Immediately to the right is the entrance of the zoo­ logical gardens » Z o o l o g i s k Have*, opened in 1859 (admission see newspapers). On an area of about 181/2 acres a variety of animals from all parts of the world can be seen. The garden has several fine parts and a very large restaurant capable of receiving several thousand guests at a time (concert in summer). From this place to the left across the Roskilde highroad you come to the entrance of S o n d e r ma r k e n , a very fine solemn park in English style. Ry following the path to the left of the entrance you ar­ rive at the picturesque No r w e g i a n view around a small thatched wooden hut. From this place you reach the monument of the politician C. Hall (modelled by Rissen) at the end of a beautiful avenue. Immediately in front of the outlet by the monument stands the fine red cottage of Mr. Carl Jacobsen and the G l y p t o t h e c a of Ny Ca r l s be r g . Ny Ca r l s b e r g G l y p t o t h e c a was founded in 1882 by Mr. Carl Jacobsen. It is now, after several enlarge­ ments, the richest collection of sculptures outside of Italy. It comprises both antique and modern art, but in 1888 all the modern works of art were presented by Mr. Jacob­ sen to the state and municipality, and a splendid building was erected to receive them. In future we will have two Glyptothecas the old one by Ny Carlsberg comprising an-

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