47 the walls. Opposite is Or s t e d s p a r k e n . This park is like the rest of the parks of the city laid out on the site of the old fortifications and is very pretty and well kept. Turning to the left along the lake, a remnant of the city- moat, you will sec a monument of the champion of liberty, L. N. Hv i dt (modelled by Bissen). By crossing the adjoi­ ning bridge you will see close to the fence towards the boulevard the statue of II. C. 0 r s t e d , the inventor of the electromagnetism (modelled by Jcrichau). Besides these the park contains a number of valuable sculptures, es­ pecially castings from the antique (with one exception: the modern work of Chapus, his beautiful J e a nn e d ’ Arc), all presented by the Albertina legacy, founded by Mr. C. Jacobsen. From the monument of 0rsted you con­ tinue to the left to the outlet at the corner of the boule­ vard and Ah l e f e l d t s g a d e . Straight in front of the outlet stands the T e c h n i c a l S c h o o l (architect Fen- ger), where the young artisans of the country obtain their theoretical education. Then along Norrevoldgade (Boule­ vard) across V e n d e r s g a d e , through which street the trams are running (to the left to Solvtorvet and 0sterbro, to the right to Gammeltorv). From I n d u s t r i u d s t i l l i n g s b y g n i n g e n (the exibi- tionbuildings of (lie Society of Arts) (PI. H. 8) along Vesterbro; to the left the long, yellow Facadebuilding and cupola-entrance of Tivoli. To the right the Na t i ona l (music-hall) opposite the h e a d r a i 1wa y - s t a t i o n , and the C i r c u s b u i l d i n g (in winter variety-hall). In the middle of the passage stands F r i h e d s s t o t t e n (the column of liberty) (PI. H. 7), erected from a design by Abildgaard 1792— 1797 in commemoration of the emancipation of the peasantry. It is ornamented with 4 allegoric figures, ^Fidelity« (with a dog), *Bravery« (with a. spear), »Patrio- tism« (with a citizen-crown), all by Wiedewelt, and *Ru- stic diligence* by Weidenhaupt. The granite obelisk was like *IIesten« on Kongens Nylorv marked by the enemy’s ball during the bombardment in 1807. To the left Pa- noptikon (see newspapers) and in the same building

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