moans were loo scanty to supply it with a copper-roof instead of its less decorative slated one. It is left to a richer posterity to amend this. We now again continue along the boulevard and behold, to the left, a beautiful, small building in renaissance style, the Kun s t i nd u s t r i - mu s e um (architect Klein), Vostro Boulevard No. 20— 24, established in 1890 (PI. h. H. 8), (admission see news­ papers). To the right in the hall is the entrance to the library and the interesting picture gallery consisting of nearly 05,000 pictures. To the left in the hall are the stairs to the museum, which are reached by entering a beautiful door of wrought iron. In the first rooms are objects of carved wood belonging to the Duke and Duchess of Cum­ berland. Then farm furniture from South Sleswic and Holstein. Then an antique room with Danish furniture and interesting mural paintings by Danish artists, all from the commencement of this century. Of great interest are also the old china wares from the kgl. Porcellsensfabrik (china manufactory), and of modern objects, glasses from Emile Gale of Nancy, and elegant furniture from Henry of London. An explanation is affixed to the various ob­ jects. From the museum you pass the cafe of the society of arts ( I nd u s t r i f o r e n i n g s c a f e ) , then across the crow­ ded V e s t e r b r o s Pa s s a g e (trams to the left to Frede- riksberg to the right to Raadhuspladsen) and the Jernbane- gade to the Da gma r The a t r e . This theatre has of late years brought out a series of classic plays and been highly conducive to raising and educating the taste of the public in Copenhagen. Contiguous with the theatre are the Dagmarhotel and the Dagraar-cafe towards the boulevard. From here across St ud ieslrsed e. To the left is the fine rugged park » Ab o r r e p a r k e n « at the back of which is the No r d b a n e s t a t i on (railway-station); to the right a beautiful block, Ny Ro s e nb o r g . Past this on the left is a litlle park with a bronze group l i o n and l i o n e s s by Cain (presented by Mr. C. Jacobsen) and an interesting old ruin of the » J e rme r s Taa r n« (PI. G. 8), one of the oldest castletowers of the city, found by the levelling of

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