is dosed. Turning back by Slrandgade across Lille Torvegade and Brogade you sec on your left two fine, old buildings, the ware houses of the old Asiatic Com­ pany. Then turning to the right along St. Annoegade over the bridge a fine canal view may be obtained; less fine is the dark block of buildings to the right of the bridge ( W o m a n ’ s Pr i s on) . Immediately to the left behind the prison rises the magnificent V o r F r e l s e r s Ki r ke (Our Saviours church) (PI. a. J. 12), admission see newspapers. Of itself it is imposing, but surrounded as it is by small houses it becomes doubly so. Erected during the reign of Christian V by the architect Lambert v. Haven. It is 180 feet long, by 140 feet broad and has besides the main arch 14 smaller arches. It has a beautiful altar of different marble- slabs. The pulpit is from a design by Harsdorff. The organ is of extremely beautiful carving. The baptismal font was presented by the mistress of Christian V, the Countess v. Viercgg, who with her one year old son rests under­ neath the organ. Beautiful as the interior of the church is, the exterior does not lessen the impression of the beholder. Note­ worthy is the peculiar bold tower, the tallest in the North (the tower of the new town-hall excepted). It was erec­ ted in 1749— 50 from a plan by L. do Tlnirah. At the foot of the spire are the 4 Evangelists in stone. At first it rises in an octagonal, later round, with a win­ ding walk to the ball »Kug l e n « , which is 8 feel in dia­ meter. On top of this is »Manden«, a ten feet high statue of our Saviour, holding the mighty banner of victory. At the last renovation it was richly gilt as originally. The tower wilh spire is in all 288 feet high. Although no less than 393 steps lead to the ball, nobody should miss a visit to it. The view is wonderful, especially on Sundays, when no smoke or steam is issuing from the surrounding factories. Far below you are the small toyhouses of Cliri- stianshavn, then the whole city with surrounding land, to the North the forests of Zealand, the Sound and Ilveen, nearer the harbours, the navy yard and to the East the

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