the Princess Dagmar and the Czar Alexander; llie Princess Alexandra with the Prince of Wales, and the leave-taking with Prince Vilhelm on his departure for Greece, after his election as King of the Hellenes. Behind the monument is the main entrance of the museum (architects Dalderup and Georg V. Moller), which holds the R o y a l collection of Pa i n t i ng s and S c u l p t u r e s and the collection of En­ g r a v i n g s on c o p p e r (admission see newspapers). The Danish division: 1st floor to the right: Of the most interesting pictures must he mentioned: No. 603, P. S. Ivroyer: Fishermen on the strand by the Scaw. No. 567, H a ra ld .leri- chau: The Lydian plain by Sardes. No. 437, C. B loch : Jairi daughter. No. 498, E xn er: An Amak-woman counting her mo­ ney. No. 475. D o rp h : Garfish-catching with drift-net. No. 438, C. B lo c h : Christian II in the prison of Sonderborg. No: 436, C. B loch : Samson in the mill. No. 439, C. B loch : A woman selling fish. No. 603. K ro y e r: Outside a Ghitana-dwelling in Granada. No. 654, W . M a rstran d : Erasmus Montanus. No. 655. W . M a rstran d : Barselstuen (the lying-in room). No. 425, 0 . B a ch e: Cows being driven out in the morning. No. 426, 0. B a ch e: Horses at the beach. No. 568, Mrs. E lisa b eth Jeri- chau: The wounded soldier. No. 768, K. Zahrtm ann: The death of Queen Sofie Amalie. No. 788, K. Zahrtm ann: Leonore Christine (the daughter of Christian the IV) in Blaataarn (prison). Of sculpture may be mentioned in the Sculpturehall: No. 12, B ran d stru p : Mario, a child’s bust. No. 56, S a ab y e: Suzanne before the council. No. 57, Saabye: Lady Macbeth. In the front-hall: No. 45, J. A. J erich a u : Hercules and Hebe (the famous group, which was saved at the fire of Christiansborg and driven away on a gun-carriage). The Foreign division (Old masters) 1st floor to the left from the main entrance: Ju riaon Jacobs.en: Boer chase, v. Man- dern: The Apostle Petrus. Then follow 4 halls with the light from the side toward the North, in which are the following ob­ jects of interest: M ie ris, Genre-picture: The boy buying beer. S lin g ela n d t: An at home. v. d. N eer: Fire. J. D. de H eem : Fruits. P e te r de H o o g h : Genre-picture. G. D o r . Girl with candle. D o e s: Cattle. Z eem ann : Marine-picture. C. von Man- dern: Tartaric ambassy at the court of Frederic HE. A e ls t: Nature morte. Jac. B u y s da el: The road past the bog. v. So- mer: Charles I as prince. A. B loem a rt: Niobe and her children. H o n d e k o e te r: Fowl yard. R em b ran d t: Christ in Emaus (same motive as in Louvre, but here in artificial light). Van i Icy.sen: Flowers, de K e y s e r: v. d. Graoht and wife. Jan B o th : Italian landscape. Ja com o V ic to r : Pigeons. Then

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