38 comes a long room with two windows, in which are the Swedish and Norwegian paintings, among others: v. R osen : Erik XIV and Karin Mansdotter. E d e lfe ld t: Landscape from Finland. Edw. E ergh : Landscape. 0. B jo rk : In distress. W e r e n s k io ld : Children. Then coming in to the great room, which is lighted from above, you find: R uben s: The judgement of Salomo and a portrait of Abbe Irselins. J ord a en s: Nymphs. R em brandt: Two portraits of a young man and a young woman, v. d. N eer: Fire, W u ch tc r s: Portrait of Ulr. Christian Gyldcnlove. Ferd. B o l: The Women at the Grave, v. d. H e is t: Two portraits. T in to r e tto : Portrait. M an tegna : The Rising Christ. S a lva tor R osa : Jonas. C. von M an der: The finding of the body of Prince Svend and portrait of Christian II. Then two smaller rooms containing chiefly Italian, Spanish and French works. P ou ssin : Moses at the Burning Bush. R ib e r a : Nabuchodonosor. Carlo D o lci: Christ-head. S a lv a to r R osa : A Harbour. S a lv a to r R o s a : Cadmus sowing the dragons teeth. T in to r e tto : The wedding in Cana, sketch. Next comes a room chiefly containing pictures by Cranach, H eem sk erck , R oym ersw a le, Mom- per. Then a little room with pictures of D ow : Apothecary. M ieris: Gyldcnlove. Finally the last smaller room with light from above, in which: Paul P o tte r : Cows. Cuyp: Horsemen. Rubensi: 2 sketches for portraits. W ou verm ann : Pont neuf in Paris. Sn yders: Game. R aw e ste y n : Ladys portrait. T e n iers: The Temptation of Antonins. H u g te n b u r g : Two street- scenes. W e e n in x : Dead Game. V lie g e r : Marine-picture. Jan S teen: The Miser. B erch em : Two pictures with horses. Ruys- da el: Landscape, S la b b a ert: A Savant. D u b b e ls: Marine- picture. B iltiu s : Game. E v erd in g on : Landscape. The royal collection of engravings: 00000 engravings, of which may be named: The works of D iirer and the Expedition of the Argo nauts by Carstens. Going from the museum you turn to 1he left into 0slre Anlmg (park), where on the right hand side may be seen a piece of the old east wall, shaded by a row of beautiful old trees. After a promenade of about 20 m i nutes through the fine park, the outlet to 0sterbrogade is reached On the right across the street is the new 0ster- bros railway-station, on the left the beautiful treelined street (trams to the left by Strandvejen, to the right by Breclgade to Kongens Nytorv and thence to Vesterbro and Frederiksberg). By crossing the street to the left from the outlet of the park, you arrive at the entrance of the Gfir-
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