3G Omphale and 3 marble works by Baratta). Near the bridge of the castle is a bronze group from the time of Christian IV : a horse fighting a lion. Opposite the bridge a statue of the Queen C a rolin e Am alie. In this part of the garden stands an old farm-house and a store-house; both buildings have been bought in Sweden from the Danish collection of the national museum, and give an exellcnt idea of the general condition of habitations in the 15—17 century. Towards Kronprinsessegade is a cafe. In summer music several times a week. Although the park by degrees has diminished, it is yet in its present condition (partly altered according to English pat tern) the most popular and pleasant of the public parks of Copen hagen. Its central situation has especially adopted it for play grounds for children. Around the fountain happy youth of the city enjoys itself every afternoon, for which reason the statue of the story teller H. C. Andersen (by Saaby) was erected here in 1880 (at the end of the ladies walk). From Rosenborg across the boulevard to the little red building tastefully fenced in by an iron fence (to the left of which is the observatory with a sialue of Tyge Brahe) (mo delled by Bissen). The red building shelters the Chemical Laboratory and the Mineralogical Museum of the University formed from the joint collections of Christian VIII and J. G. Moltke (the portraits of the founders are hung up in the museum). It contains several objects of interest, of which may be mentioned beautiful agates, facsimilis of the lar gest gold nuggets ever found and a unique collection of plant fossils from the chalk- and tertiary formations in North Greenland, on which may be seen distinct impres sion of laurel leaves and vines etc. From the museum across Solvgade on the right Solvga- dens Kaserne (barracks), on the left the Na t i o na l Mu s e um o f Art. In front of this » D a nma r k s mo n ume n t e t « (the Denmark monument, modelled by Hasselriis), erected in commemoration of the golden wedding in 1892 of King Christian IX and Queen Louise by voluntary contributions collected in all parts of the country. The chief figure re presents Denmark; on the socle 3 heraldic lions from the Danish coat of arms, and portrait medalions of the King and Queen, their children and their sons- and dauglners- in-law. Further 3 Ilautreliefs representing the nuptials of
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