graved underneath: »Coelestem adspicil lucerne, it is: (It (the eagle) looks towards the celestial light). The front- hall, which has been carried up through both stories of the building, is imposingly large. It is adorned with two grand colossal statues of Apollon and Pallas Athene (by Bissen), the walls being decorated al fresco (by Konstantin Hansen and Hilcker) with a number of pictures from myths of antiquity. The hall leads into the great assem­ bly-hall (69 feet long with a gallery at a height of 34 feet). The rostra, which is draped and mounted with gol­ den fringed blue velvet, bears the inscription: TivsvftaTi xa i d h ]i)ei(t (In Spirit and Truth). The large pictures al fresco, with which the walls are deco­ rated represent: The Consecration of the University in Frue Kirke on 1st of June 1479 (Professor Marstrand). The reformer Hans Tausen defending the catholic bishop Joachim Konnow against the angry citizens of Copenhagen (Prof. Carl Bloch). Tyge Brahe receiving King James V I o'f Scotland at Uranienborg (Prof. Carl Bloch). Introduction of the young Griffenfeldt to King Frede- rik III by Jesper Brokmann (Prof. Carl Bloch). A scene of the Students’ participation in the defence of Copenhagen during the siege by Karl Gustav (Villi. Rosenstaiul). ilolberg attending a rehearsal of ..Erasmus Montanus1 (Vilh. Rosenstaiul). The recep­ tion of the Swedish and Norwegian naturalists at the Scandi­ navian naturalists’ congress in 1847 (Erik Henningsen). The lower part of the Avails is covered by an oaken wainscoting ador­ ned with medallion portraits of the four Kings, Avhose names have been especially attached to the University: Christian I, Christian III, Frederik II and Christian IV. The University embraces 5 faculties, about 51 Pro­ fessors and 2100 students. T h e l i b r a r y of the u n i v e r s i t y (corner of Fiol- strrede) (architect Professor Herholdt 1861) comprises nearly 300000 volumes and nearly 5000 manuscripts. From here to the corner of Krystalgade. Here stands the syna­ gogue (built by Professor Hetsch), consecrated in 1833. Immediately to the left of Fiolstrscde is the Z o o l o g i c a l Mu s e um (PI. G. 9), built in Roman style by Chr. Han­ sen in 1869. The objects in the museum most worthy of inspection are the skeletons of the now extinct giant sloths (4 species) and glyp-

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