looks particularly fine. All relics from the old church have however disappeared, and that Vor Frue Kirke is yet a sight is due only to Th o r v a l d s e n . Of his master pieces you will find here: Christ and the twelve Apostles, The Angel of Baptism, On the road to Golgotha, The Frieze over the Altar, The Baptism of Christ and the Lord's Supper, Charity and Ihe Guardian Angel of Ihe Children. Thorvaldsen who was himself gentle and meek in heart has better than any other master succeeded in giving a picture of the gentle Saviour1 (to he), „Thc Comforter and Friend of Man kind*. The statne is placed in a niche above the altar; it was the intention of the architect, that the twelve Apostles should also have been placed in niches; this was not however carried out — a little anecdote tells us the reason why. Thorvaldsen did not share the opinion of the architect and each stuck to his'own plan. Thorvaldsen modelled the statues, C. F. Hansen built the niches, but when Thorvaldsen delivered his statues, they proved too tall for the niches and had to be placed in front of them, and so they are left to this very day. The kneeling Angel of Baptism, holding the baptismal font, which is formed as a shell, is one of the most beautiful and captivating of Thorvaldsen’s figures. By Whitsuntide in 1839 it was placed in the choir ol the church and the master himself held the first child at the font, that was christened from its bowl: the little daughter of his friend Her mann Freund. Opposite the church, across » F r ue p l a d s « , where no vehicular traffic is allowed, stands the Un i v e r s i t y (PI. G. 9). In Frueplads (square) are busts of illustrious men; along one side of the church wall are: The c o m p o s e r We y s e »the father of Danish Romance*, and the bishops My ns ter and Ma r t e ns e n . Along the other side facing the facade of the University are: The botanist S c h o u w , the theologian H. N. C l a u s e n and the philo logist J. N. Madv i g . The present university-building (ar chitect: Professor Mailing) is built in modified Gothic style (consecrated and opened in 1830), while the university of Copenhagen (founded by Christian I) already in 1879 was able to celebrate its 400th anniversary. Over the portal gate is a bronze-eagle with spread wings and raised head, a figurative illustration of the motto of the University en-
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