28 0 s t e r b r o g a d e at the commencement of which stands 0 s t e r b r o R a i l wa y - s t a t i o n (PI. D. 11). Just opposite the station is the entrance to the shady park of » 0 s t r e Anl a)g«. Turning to the left from here by St. Kongens- gade, you arrive at N v b o d e r iPl. D. E. 11) on the right, a town in the town, built by Christian IV for his brave mariners, the petty officers of the navy. Generation after generation of these people, who like the navy itself, have always been the pride of Denmark, inhabited these lowly but snug little rooms. The oldest of the houses are very primitively arranged, for instance with only one kitchen for two tenements. Of late years the old characteristic houses are being replaced by new and more comfortable buildings. Right in the middle of the quarter by Elephantslreet (most streelnames in Nyboder are rather odd) is an open square with a monument for Adm i r a l S u e n s o n (PI. a. E. 11), who carried home the victory in the naval battle of He l g o l a n d (1864). On top of the socle stands a bust of the bold hero, at its foot rests a proud lion. From this place there are a few paces only to the corner of Toldbodvej and Gronningen. We may from here return to Kongens Nytorv either by Store Kongensgade or by Toldbodvej, Rredgade. You may from here make another pilgrimage, namely to the b i r t h p l a c e of T h o r v a l d s e n , which can be reached in a few minutes. You continue straight on from St. Kongensgade past the building of »Det S t o r e Nor- di ske T e l e g r a f s e l s k a b * , then turn to the right by Ny Adelgade, where you will see an old house in the back­ yard of No. 10, which was part of II o lb e r g ’s The a t r e in Gronnegade. Some old painted canvases thought to have formed part of the decorations of the theatre are still in the possession of Mr. Fraenckel in the property No. 8. At the end of Ny Adelgade turn to the left into Gronnegade and you will find on the right a small mean­ looking house No. 7, on which is a portrait medalion of ’Thorvaldsen and a marble tablet with the inscription:


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