27 quented. Also a number of steam-yachts with pleasure parties have used the harbour ns a berth, which is not advisable considering the great distance from the centre of the city. „Mellem Pselene“ (between the piles) straight in front of the Kvsesthusbro is no doubt a far better berth. From the Free Port, which may be viewed from the new Langelinje, you return to the city through the fort or as it is officially called, C i t a d e l l e t F r e d r i k s h a v n (PI.. D. 12) built in 1663. Here the famous statesman Peder Griffenffeld was kept a prisoner. Now it is the barracks of a part of the garrison of Copenhagen. From the bridge leading across the moat of the castle to the citadel is a line view of (he picturesque surroundings. Along the moat is a promenade called »Smedelinje« open only to such as have a card of admission issued by the commander in chief of the »Citadcl«. Just across the bridge you arrive at the beautiful old » No r g e s p o r t « (gate). In a couple of mi nutes walk you come to the pretty little palace (on the left) of the commanding officer outside of which two soldiers are mounting guard, and on the right to the square and church of the soldier-town. Behind the church which was erected 1703— 04 is a wind mill. In the square twice a week music by a military band (see remembrance list in news papers). Close to the wall on the opposite side stands the new guard-house. Then a second picturesque castle- gate (Sjsel l a n d s po r t on) is passed and you will have viewed a piece of scenery belonging to the past, which sheltered by old walls has hid away from the busy world without. Following the road to the right along the moat of the citadel you arrive at a fenced-in place » Bo r n e n e s L e g e p l a d s * (the play grounds of the children) where Young Denmark under the supervision af an Inspector can play at see-saw, swings, football etc. To the left is a long ugly fence behind which stands the barracks of the Hussar-guards (the barracks will be removed shortly), and to the right the beautiful castle-moat reflecting the trees on the walls an Idyl which we hope may long be pre served. A fine view can be obtained of the tree-fringed
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