22 black and white marble was made by D i d r i c h Ge r c h e n the „stonecutter“ of Frederic 1Y. In the outer churchwall are two memorial tablets for the painters C. W. Eckersberg and Johan Thomas Lundby, the latter of whom volunteered in the war 1848 and was slain. At the end of the street towards Bredgade stands the statue of the composer Ni el s W . G ade (modelled by Bissen). From the church across the place !o Amaliegade, which street is spanned by the beautiful palace-colonnade. On the right-hand side of the street stands Ca s i n o s Th eatre. The Facade is uninteresting but the interior can boast a very fine pergola. Casino, erected in 1846 from design by G. Carstensen, the founder of Tivoli, is used not only as a Theatre but also as assembly rooms. Further on close to the colonnade on the same side is the socalled »Gul e Palae« (yellow palace) the residence of Ilis Royal Highness Prince Valdemar and H. R. H. Princess Marie. Am a l i en b or g s q ua r e (PI. F. 12) is an octagonel square with mosaic pavement, surrounded by four pa laces in rococco style, erecled by different nobles in the middle of the last century. The two palaces which are connected by the beautiful colonnade were fitted out for residence by King Christian VII. The palace to the right of the colonnade towards the harbour-entrance is still the residence of the King. The palace to the left, Christian VII’ Paela), is after the burning of Christiansborg Slot used for assemblies and receptions. Here are the kni ght s hal l and the t h r o n e a pa r tme n t . The third palace (between the harbour entrance and Amaliegade) is the residence of the Crown-prince; the fourth palace (between Amaliegade and Frederiksgade) is the domicile of the »Foreign Office*. In the middle of the beautiful square stands a magnificent e q u e s t r i a n s t a t ue of King Frederic V erected by the Asiatic company from a design by the F r e n c hm a n S a l y (director of the academy of arts in Copenhagen 1754— 71). It is one of the finest statues in the metropolis, the only one, which in spite of the rough, changeable weather has assumed the greenish colour so flattering to bronze. The street between the residences of the King and the Crown-prince leads to La r s e n s PI ads
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