21 till 3 o ’clock p. m. On llojbroplads and Amagertorv every­ day til 3 o ’clock afternoon vegetable and llower market, where matrons and girls are offering for sale vegetables from Amager. To the right Nicolaitaarn (surrounded by butcher shops) a tall tower without a spire, the last rem­ nant of the old Nicolai church, which was burnt down in 1795 (consecrated in 1509). Attention ought to be given to the Tower, which is verv picturesque and imposing. Every weekday a timeball is hoisted on a pole on top of the tower at 12,55 and falls at 1 o’clock. Tn the centre of Amagertorv is a new but little decorative fountain. 0 s t e r g a d e , the Regent street of Copenhagen, is narrow and crooked but imposes the more by its crowds and traffic, and forms the chief part of S t r o g e t (a com ­ mon name for 0stergade, Amagertorv, Vimmelskaftct, Nygade and Fredriksberggade). The liveliest traffic is be­ tween 2 and 4. From Kongens Nytorv past Nyhavn (to the left of the canal) to Kvcesthusgade. In the last great building of this street are the offices of »Det forenede Dampskibsselskabs. This company possesses 112 steamers with a gross-tonnage o f 89,000 tons and engrosses nearly all Danish carrying trade by boat at home and abroad. The houseflag of the company, the white "Maltese cross on blue ground, and the black and red funnels of their boats are known in most seas. You have now arrived at Kvsesthusbroen (PI. G. 12), the principal landing pier for coasting passenger- steamers. Monday and Thursday at 0 p. m. are the busiest days. From the pierhead you have a fine view of the harbour. Going back to the building of »Det for­ enede Dampskibsselskab« and turning to the right is St. Annse Plads a broad street planted with trees. A few minutes walk along this street on the left stands the Gar­ rison church, an unimposing and little decorative building erected 1704 —05 from stones of the old Amalienborg, which was burnt down in 1689. The interior of the church is rather nice. The altar piece of

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