Harsdorff, addition by Professor Storcli, and behind the statue the Hotel King of Denmark (PI. c. H. 11). The two streets Niels Juelsgade and Holbergsgade both lead into a comparatively new quarter, which was founded in 1861 on the so called Gammelholm or Bremerholm, a section surrounded by a canal, that ran along the building of the Students Association and the Facade of the Royal Theatre. Here were formerly the stores and wharfs of the navy, but these were in 1861— 66 removed to Nyholm, their present location. It was also on the said holm, that criminals were put in the notorious ^Bremerholm Irons«, which punishment by Royal Decree of 1739 was changed into hard labour, and in 1741 the prisoners were confined in »Stokhuset« (house of correction) by 0sterbro. Thence you proceed along the tram line past the stately building in Renaissance style of the Nationalbank (built by Ilerholdt) to Holmens Kirke (church), originally an anchor smithy, which was transformed into a church by Christian the IV for the use of the navy and renovated in 1872. Over the front gate is the monogram of the Royal architect, the year 1641 and the letters R. FT P., which signify the motto of Chr. IV : Regnum Firmat Pielas (piety strengthens the kingdom) but according to popular humour: Riget Fattes Penge or The Kingdom is in need of money. The adjoining mortuary, which is erected along the canal on a foundation of hewn stones, is deserving of attention (ad­ mission see newspapers). Here rests N iels Ju e l, over whose richly guilt copper cof­ fin is a marble relief with his bust and some lines of verse by Thomas Kingo. Also P ed er T o r d e n s k jo ld is deposited hero in a black marble coffin, bearing the unostentatious, but significant inscription of: D yn ek ilen — M arstrand — E lfs b o r g , the expenses having been defrayed by King Frederik IY. The body of Tordenskjold is embalmed, and as late as the commencement of this century the coffin was open, and people were allowed to view the legendary hero. In the chapel is now also the coffin of N. W . Gade. A small, rather handsome bronze-statue of Tordenskjold stands in the inner yard behind a richly adorned ironfence facing Holmens Bro (bridge). The statue is modelled by Bissen.

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