14 main facade as frontispiece a huge bronze group: Apollo and the Muses and Pegasus at the fountain of Castalia. In the hall are the marble statues of Ewalcl and Wessel (both modelled by Peters). In the Foyer of the audience, which is richly and tastefully decorated, are a number of interesting marble statues of famous Danish dramatists, composers, actors and actresses; a very fantastic Basrelief: „Ophelia“ , modelled and presented by Sarah Bernhard — and in a side cabinet the beauti ful statue by Bissen of our greatest actress the late Johanne Louise Heiberg. Also the auditory is richly decorated, especially the ceiling with the nine Muses, the proscenium with the old motto „Ej blot til Lyst“ (,,not for amusement only1) and the characteristic drop-scene: winged Genii drawing aside a curtain and thereby opening a view to the classic banks of Kefissos, the grove of Academos and in the background Akropolis (painted by Professor Aagaard). The Theatre has seats for 1700 spectators. This our National scene the season of which is from the 1. Sept.—1. June, has on the running repertory: Comedy, Opera and Ballet, a line of art, which ennobled anil fashioned by the genius and dramatic taste of August Bournonville, has given the impulse to higher things than divertissements and spectacular pieces. The ballet fiction of Bournonville has inspired composers such as J. P. E. Hartmann and N. W. Gade with the most beauti ful tone poems comprising dramatic representations from the hi story of the North (Valkyrien, Valdemar, Thrymskviden) and the life of the people in the South (Napoli, Toreadoren and many others). On the opposite side of the square (facing the wing of the Royal Theatre) stands the grand building of Maga- sin du Nord adjoining No. 11, Eriksens Palais, with a beautiful colonnade built by Ilarsdorff. The Palais is now occupied by the »Ilandelsbank« and »So- og Handelsrel- ten« i. e. (The maritime and mercantile court). Further on by Holmens Kanal is the Statue of Ni el s Juel (by Stein), erected on the triangular piece of ground where Holmens Kanal, Niels Juelsgade and Holbergsgade meet (PI. a G. H. 11). The corner of Holbergsgade and Holmens Kanal is occupied by the building of the Stu dents Association, formerly »Slavekirken« (which belonged to IIolmen, the navy, and was used as chart archive and model room). Opposite the statue stands the beautiful old red property of Landmandsbanken (No. 12) built by
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