16 Holmens Bro leads to Slotsholmen (PI. H. 10). From the bridge a splendid view opens out across the harbour to »Vor Frelser« (our Saviour’s) church on Christianshavn with its slender gilded tower, and Borsen (the exchange) with its splendid gables and elegant dragon-spire. The ornament of Slotsholmen was the once so mag nificent Christiansborg, which is now, since the great fire in L884, a gaping ruin. The foundation stone of the ori ginal Christiansborg, named by the builder, King Christian VI, was laid in 1733 on the site of the old »Kjoben- havns Slot« which had been levelled with the ground mostly at the instigation of the Queen Sophie Magdalene, who had a passion for pomp and building. It was partly destroyed by a fire in 1794. By using the re maining walls a new though far inferior Christiansborg was erected (finished from design by C. F. Hansen in 1828). The main facade with the portal gale (Kongeporten) which is still standing was ornamented with four colossal bronze statues, which were removed immediately after the fire and placed on the palace square. They are allegoric figures representing Strength (Herkules) by T h o r v a l d s e n , Wisdom (Minerva), Justice (Nemesis) and Health (Esculapius) by B i s s o n from design by Thorvaldsen. In front of the main portal in the middle of the square stands an eque strian statue of King Frederik VII (inaugurated in 1873, modelled by Bissen). In the wings are the R o y a l stables, the R oy a l manege, the coach house and h arness room. In the coach house (admission on application to Mr. Pederstrup official in charge; the gates are open greater part of the day) are many beautiful old and new carriages; in the harness room a valuable collection of harness from the time of the absolutism. Closely connected with the palace is Slotskirken (the pa lace chapel) with front to the square with its elegant Jonian portico and its beautiful green oxidized dome. To the left of the palace facade opposite Ho l me n s c h u r c h stands B o r s e n (the Exchange) (Admittance see newspaper). A walk round the 202 feet long building is highly interesting.
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