Kraks vejviser 1928 Handelsregister

Again piease let us thank you for your kindness, and we assure you of our desire to co-operate in every w«y possible for more trade between our two countries. Shanghai; We are in receipt of your circular letter dated January 1927 and have safely received the Kraks Export pirectory of Denmark 1927 for which we thank you. This book has been carefully filed as it will prove very useful in enabling us to obtain valu­ able information regarding Danish manufacturers. Seattle (Handelskammeret): It was very kind of you to send us a copy of your directory. We have an extensive library of directories of firms in foreign countries and this is referred to very frequently by Seattle merchants and manufacturers, so that you may be sure that this directory will be put to good use. Mitineapolis (Handelskammeret): Your courtesy in supplying us with a copy of Kraks Export-Directory of Denmark 1927, which has recently been received, is indeed most highly appreciated. We shall be very glad to place this interesting publication in our library and call it to the attention of any inquirers interested in Danish trade. We also observe that you intend to publish a new export directory every year in January, and you can fest assured that we find this publication of sufficient interest to ask for copies of new edi­ tions as they are issued each year. We again want to thank you most heartily for your courtesy and cooperation. * I wish to thank you for the Kraks „Export- Directory of Denmark 1927“ which you were so kind as to send me and which has arrived in good order. I see the Directory will be useful and shall be glad to avail myself of the information it con- tains. Uruguayana; (Oversat fra Portugisisk). Jeg modtog Deres ærede Cirkulære, dateret Ja­ nuar 1927, hvilket interesserede mig stærkt, og giver Dem nedenfor nogle Meddelelser om Staten Rio Grande do Sul (Brasilien)............ Naarsomhelst De ønsker Oplysninger om Fir­ maer fra denne Stat, kan De frit forlange dem, og skal jeg altid afgivet velovervejede Udtalelser, for at de derværende Interessenter ikke skal lide ved at komme i Forbindelse med tvivlsomme Fir­ maer, saaledes som det 'plejer at gaa, naar man faar Oplysninger fra Personer uden Skrupler. . . . Valparaiso: \ Gennem „Danmarksposten“ bekendt med Udgi­ velsen af „Kraks Export Directory of Denmark" beder jeg Dem godhedsfuldt reservere mig et Ex- emplar af denne, da jeg netop søger Forbindelse med danske Export-Firmaer, særlig i Drogebranchen, til Indførelse af danske Produkter, der her i Chile kan finde et aabent Marked. Tampico, Mexico:

til Eksporten fra Deres Land, og vi skal vise denne nyttige Bog til alle de Firmaer, som ønsker at sælge Deres Lands Produkter her paa disse Øer, og ligeledes til dem, der ønsker at træde i For­ bindelse med danske Importører. De kan være sikker paa, at vi skal gøre Brug af Kalenderen og stille den til Disposition for alle de Personer, som vi ved interesserer sig for at skaffe sig nye Handelsforbindelser............ Yokohania, Japan : Undertegnede takker mange Gange for den smukke og praktiske Export-Directory, som vi alle­ rede har konsulteret. Ved næste Lejlighed vilde det lønne sig at sende et Eksemplar til den største Department-Store Chain i Japan, hvis Hovedkontor e r:........ Igen takkende Dem for den smukke Gave . . . . Madras: ........ we have the pleasure to request you to be kind enough to send us the future issues of this directory free of charge to enable us to take the advantage of the same. We further suggest you the following names af our business friends who are interested in the de- velopment of foreign business — and we hope you will be good ennough to send a copy of your di­ rectory to them at your best convenience............ Bombay, India: We beg to thank you for your printed circular dated January 1927 & also for the Directory, which we have found very interesting & useful. We shall be much obliged, if you will kindly send us free of charge every year the new Export Directory of the merchants, shippers, manufactur- ■ors etc. of your city & Denmark. We shall also plase these Directories at the disposal of our com- mercial friends, whenever occasion arises. Thanking you in advance for the trouble, we have given youin this matter, & with Compli- ments........ Oda, Gold Coast: I thank you very much for a copy of your Ex­ port Directory of Denmark which you have been good enough to send to me. I havejudging the im­ portance of the Directory transferred to Messrs.. . . the firm for whom I am the managing Director. . Heiv York: Permit us to tender you our sincere thanks for your courtesy in sending us a copy of the Export Directory of Denmark for 1927 which, we feel sure, prove of value to our clients engaged in bu­ siness with your country........ Portland, Oregon (Handelskammeret): .......... This is as very splendid publication and will be of much use to this department of the Chamber in promoting trade relations between your country and the United States, particularly this section. This makes a valuable addition to our reference library and will no doubt be of great help to our exporters and importers as well as, to this .Cham­ ber of Commerce.

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