Kraks vejviser 1928 Handelsregister

Nogle Udtalelser fra oversøiske Firmaer og Institutioner, der har modtaget et Eksemplar af KRAKS EXPORT DIRECTORY OF DENMARK 1927. (Flere Hundrede Udtalelser fra europæiske Lande er offentliggjort i Meddelelser fra K raks Legat“, Februar 1927.)'

Guatemala: ........ Accept our best thanks for same, for we are of the opinion that same will be very useful to us as we are endeavouring to secure represen­ tatives for this Republic for such lines as condenced milk, butter, jams, cheese, in faet any line that is on a competitive basis with the market prices here.- We are sure of business if the products are right, for the general buying public here are very dis- contented with some of the American lines. We should always be pleased to receive any of your publications. Philadelphia (Corn Exchange National Bank): We acknowledge the receipt, with many thanks,, of your Export Directory of Denmark for 1927, which we have placed in our files for reference,, and which will be undoubtedly useful to us. Since you ask us for the names of firm here to whom you might send copies of this Directory, we wouid suggest the following: ........ — The writer has always been very mueh interes­ ted in trade with Denmark, and we have done everything possible in this bank to develop it. We have several families. in Philadelphia of Danish descent, some of whom have been here for nearly two hundred years, With renewed thanks for your kindness, beli- eve me........ Colombo: We have the pleasure to acknowledge the receipt of your esteemed Export Directory of Denmark, which is a really useful one to us, and for which piease accept our sincere thanks and write for all what we have to do for you in Ceylon which we will do for you in return as a gratitude. We have already written to some firms appearing in your Directory and have reminded to them about your booklet too and hope to do a fair transaction with them............ , Bangkok: We have mueh pleasure in acknowledging receipt of your Export Directory for 1927. We think it a very complete publication and as requested we will pass same on to all commercial friends. Las Palmas, Gran Canaria: (Oversat fra Spansk), ........ Efter at have studeret den, finder vi mange værdifulde Adresser og Oplysninger med Hensyn,

Detroit: Refererende ti( ».vedlagte Udklip af „Danmarks­ posten “ af forrige Maaned, tager jeg mig herved Friheden at bede Dem tilsende mig et Eksemplar af den af Deres ærede Firma udgivne Eksportka­ lender. . Jeg har i den senere Tid med Interesse fulgt diverse Reporter angaaende ’den Danske Industri og Eksport og er overbevist om, at nævnte Eks­ portkalender vil være mig til uvurderlig Nytte i min Søgen efter Im- & Eksportinteresserede Fir­ maer i Danmark, med eventuel fremtidig Forret­ ningsforbindelse for Øje........ Juvisy: .. . , .,/Faisant de nombreuses affaires avec les pays scandinaves en general, et le Danemark en particulier, eet annuaire m’a beaueoup intéressé Habana, Cuba: Acknowledging receipt of your circular letter of Jan’ 27 with a copy of Kraks Export-Directory which we find most interesling and valuable. We are specially interested in butter, cheese and fish, and if you have any enquiries from par­ ties desirous of’selling their line in Cuba, kindly refer them to us. . £ Pernambuco: ........ Selbstverstandlich werden wir nicht die Gelegenheit voriiber gehen lassen, davon des ofte- ren Gebrauch zu machen, da es fur uns als bra- silianische Firma ganz gleich ist fur welche Pro- zedenz wir verkaufen, wenn eben Geschafte getå- tig werden konnen. — Shanghai: ........ This book has been carefully filed as it will prove very useful in enabling us to obtain valuable information regarding Danish manufac- turers. ........ we wifch to inform you that we shall be very pleased to receive future editions of this Directory and trust you will place our name on your mailing list. Habana: We have had the pleasure of receiving your Directory and beg to say that is one of the best we ever saw, we have. to congratulate you for your nice book, and thank you at the same time for your courtesy. — .. . \

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