

conditions, the patients examined were given the same diet (mostly consisting of milk and oat-meal gruel). Patients who were given a full diet now and again excreted a substance which gave a blue colour with the reagent. To a series of patients vitamin A Was administered as halibut hver oil (Decamin). In one case 70,000 units were given per 24 hours; this turned out to be too much, spontaneous excretion occurring; therefore the remaining patients received only 7000 units per 24 hours. For a period, each patient was given paraffin oil. The stools were examined before and during administration of paraffin oil, in the majority of the cases also after. In the patients who received 7000 units per 24 hours, the follow­ ing facts were observed: 1 ) In man paraffin oil may remove some of the vitamin A taken through the stools. 2 ) In no case was more than 25 per cent of the amount administered demonstrated in the stools. On average 500 units were excreted per 24 hours. 3 ) In some few cases slight excre­ tion of vitamin A occurred spontaneously. 4 ) Vitamin A is most likely excreted because it is held in solution by the paraffin oil, not because the paraffin oil accelerates the motion of the intestine. Control experiments with a purgative did not cause any or only a very slight excretion of vitamin A. A patient with sprue was given 7000 units of vitamin per 24 hours. Every time the patient received vitamin A, there was a consider­ able spontaneous excretion in the stools. Conclusion; Paraffin oil should be administered for a longer period of time only to patients about whom it is known that they are receiv­ ing a diet rich in vitamin A. It should be given a long time apart from meals. Paraffin oil should not be administered for any length of time to patients suffering from difficulties in absorption. Litteratur. Baumann, Steenbock, Beeson and Rupel: J. Biol. Chem. 1934, 105, 167. •—- Blegvad: citeret efter Friderichsen. •—• Bloch, G. E .: Ugeskr. f. Læger 1924, 783. — Bloch, C. E .: Ugeskr. f. Læger 1925, 1183. -— Bloch, C. E .: Norsk Ma­ gasin f. Lægevidenskab 1930, 1055. —- Boller, Brunner og Grant: Kl. Wochen- schr. 1937, 16, 1027. — Burrows og Farr: Proc. soc. exp. Biol. Med. 1927, 24, 719.*— Christiansen, Johanne: Ugeskr. f. Læger 1935, 1138. — De: Indian med. research. 1937, 24, 751. — Dutcher, Ely og Honeywell: Proc. soc. exp. Biol. Med. 1927, 24, 953. -—- Dutcher, Harris, Hartzler og Guerrant: Jo urn. N u trit. 1934, 8 , 269. -—- Fridrichsen: H ospitalst. 1936, 79, 689. — Hume og Smith: Special rep ort Series 1935, N r. 202. — Jackson: J. N u trit. 1934, 7, 607. — Moness og Christianson: J . Am. Pharm . Ass. 1929, 18, 997. — Olcott og Matill: J . Biol. Chem. 1931, 93, 65. — Rowntree: Jo urn. N u trit. 1931, 3, 345. — Vad- sten, Orla: Experim entelle Studier over Occlusionsicterus m ed særlig H enblik p aa Galdens B etydning for R esorptionen fra T arm kanalen af V itam in D, V itam in A og Carotin. Disp. København 1936. — Wendt: Kl. Wochenschr. 1937, 1175.

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