St. John’s Hospital ,
commonly colled Bidstrupgaard, is situated near Roes- kildc; under this establishment are two buildings, one destined for idiots, and for the incurable poor; the other is for the reception of lunatics ; this noble edifice, is so divided that one half is for Males , and the other for Females. ' The endowments bestowed by many charitable indivi duals for the support of sufferers, who arc forced to seek an asylum in this humane institution amount nearly to 80,000 Pounds Sterling, The number of patients in this Hospital aro about one hundred and fifty, and two thirds of the number an nually admitted arc cured. In the last 13 ycarsfour hundred and forty persons who were afflicted with this melancholy disorder, have been restored to their families , and have become useful members of society. Nothing can exceed the interior order and regularity of this establishment. The grounds are beautifully laid out; and in my visit to this receptacle of m isery,' I was accompanied by Dr. Seidelin, who is Doctor to this infirmary, and it is only my duty to declare that altlio I have visited many simnlar institutions I never met with a gentleman who endeavoured
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