Tins Hospital is capable of containing three hundred and fifty patients; and it is supposed that the average number of sick who receive relief, from this humane institution amount annually to about three thousand. Its medical establishment consists of one Physician and one Surgeon, each of whom has four assistants. i / .* AlmindeUg Hospital is also situated in Amaliegade and destined for the relief of tlie sick and needy. The distressed and help less poor of the Capital also enjoy every comfort of a public charity. This building is so arranged, that three hundred sick patients can be received and enjoy every needful * 4 assistance. To this Hospital is attached one Physician and one Sdtgcon. Lying-in Hospital. The Danish Nation is greatly indebted to His Ma jesty King Frederick the fifth, who founded this Hos pital in 1750, it is probably one of the most celebrated Hospitals in Europe; it is situated in Amaliegade, and appropriated for the reception o f married, as well as nnmarried women ; the study of midwifery at this establishment is the most perfect in Europe.
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