to contribute more to tire health and comfort of the un­ fortunate residents of this noble Charity.

The Military Hospital

in Rigcnsgado is appropriated as an asylum for sick and wounded Officers and Soldiers in the service of His Danish Majesty. Over the entrance is a danish inscription , which in English is as follows ; „Frederick the sixth in the year 1817 caused this building, which was erected by His Royal Ancestor, to.be converted into a Military Hospital.” In passing through the gate is to he observed over the Portico the bust of His present Majesty with a danish in*- scription, which when translated into English is: „H is deeds will be remembered , and his name ever blessed.” V I Sick officers are indebted much to Mr. Meyer for bis valuable bequest of 12,500Rd. uhout3,000Pounds Stcrl. and which has been entirely appropriated for their comfort. * ' Stampeske Legacy of about 8,000 Pounds Sterling was bequeath­ ed for the education of poor children, and for the assis­ tance of old and infirm wiedws.


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