4) Is Hie representation of tlio landing of the Danish troops at the. village of llctzc on the 17th of No vember 1677, when the Island of Ilugcn was rap tured by the bravery of the Danish Military. •5) Is the conquest of Chrislianstadl on the 15th of August 1676. 6 ) Describes the conquest of Jlelsinborg in Sweden on the 3rd of July 1676. 7) This piece of tapestry is on the left hand of the throne; it is a fine description o f' the conquest of Wisniar on the 13th of December 1676. 8 ) Is descriptive of the conquest of the strong cita del of Carlscrona on the 4th of August 1676. !)) A representation of a great military victory gained by the Banes on Cottberger Ileidc near Meklen- herg on the 1st or June 1677. 10) On the 2oftl of July 1676 Marstrand was conquered by the Arms of Denmark which this piece of ta pestry represents. ( 11) Is descriptive of the Danish army landing in V Scania. 12) Exhibits a naval coinbat at Ocland between the Danes and Swedes; in this engagement the Swe des were completely defeated after a desperate battle. 4 On the tapestry that decorates this Hall is a fins likeness of His Majesty King Christian the fifth, with
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