Iiis Generals, Admirals, and other high Officers hoth Civil and Military, all in full length; at the Northern end of this superb saloon is the Royal throne; before which are three lions in full size of embossed silver with gilt manes; the first is in an upright posture, and weighs 1296 ounces, the second is in an attacking pos ture; it weighs 1424 ounces; and the third in a reclin ing posture weighing 1296 ounces. At the southern end of ithe hall is a Marble bust of Christian the fourth; over the Western entrance is a similar bust of llis Majesty Christian the fifth, and over the entrance is also a bust in plaster of pans of King Frederick the fourth. This room is in the North-eastern tower, near the K nigh ts-hall; it contains a collection of magnificent glass, which is arranged in excellent order, and highly worthy of note. It consists of drinking vessels, dishes, plates, knives, &c., chiefly brought from Italy during the reign of His Majesty King Frederick the fourth, amongst which arc a high cylindrical glass goblet; this goblet is very remarkable; for on it is an inscription by llis Majesty Frederick the second, another by W illiam, Prince of Nassuu , and many others, !>y Princes and Noblemen. The Glass cabinet.
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