On the Northern side of the Arms of Denmark is to he observed the sword of Justice, decorated with branches of Oak; and the Royal Globe surrounded with 'festoons embellished with lilies. On the Eastern side is the representation of the M ilitary, which is described by Justice, and on the "Western side of the Hall is .the enrolment of sailors, represented by Fidelity. On the cornice decorated by Christian von Bracht, I arc four full length figures representing the four quar- ' ters of the world; on the four corners of this magni- ficent saloon arc the representation of Eurus, Zephyrus, Eorcas, nnd Austcr, as emblematical of the winds. 1 The walls arc adorned with magnificent tapestry woven at Kjiigc in Denmark,' about tbc end of the 17th Century; this tapestry is very remarkable not only for its beauty* but for the representation of the actions and victories of His Majesty King Christian the fifth. It consists of twelve beautiful descriptions, and un der each is interwoven a verse in German. 1) The first piece on the right hand from the throne is descriptive of the conquest of Lamlscrona in Sweden on the lltlv of July 1G7G. 2) Is a fine representation of a naval victory in the Bay of Kjiigc on the first of July 1G77. 3) Is the conquest of Damgarten in Pomcrauia on the 6 th of October 1675. *
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