and at the Churcli of Iioly-Ghost, are now removed lo the vestibule and slaircases of lins Museum. The colleclions can bc seen, free of charge, all the year round evcry Thursday from 12— 2. From the lst Mai to the lst Oclober cvery Monday afternoon 5— 7 (in September from 3 - 6 ) . Det Ugl. naturhistoriske Museum, The Royal Museum of Natural Ilistory, occupies a suit of spacious aparlments in a budding in Stormgade No. 11. lt contains a vast and valuable collection of slufled hirds, admirably good arranged. The zoological deparlment may be inspecled Ihroughout the year cvery Tues- day, Thursday and Sunday from 11— 1; the minerological deparlment, which formerly formed part of Chamber of Art, may be viewed every Tuesday from 3—5 belween the lst of Mai and the lst of November. The admission is free. Det kgl. Mont- og Mcdaillccabiuct, The Royal Medal and Coin Collection, formerly pla- ced in Rosenborg Palace, is now in the Prince Palace on Frederiksholms Canal. The coins are divided in three groups: The Dani s h Coins; The An c i e n t Coi ns; and , The Fo r e i gn Coins. The ancient collection is of great valuc, amounling lo about 30,000 coins.
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