The colleclions are open, gratis, to students or sucli as are desirous of admittance for arti- stic and scientiflc purposes, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 12—3. For the public it is open in tlic six montli from Mai to November every Monday from 12— 2. The Museum of Authropology, a ricli ana- tomic collcelion in Bredgade No. 4 6 , is open to the public from the lst Mai to the Ist Oc- tober every Saturday 9— 11. As lo the olher public colleclions and «sights», such as Rosenborg Palace, Church of our Lady, Saviour’s Church, Botanical Garden, the Statuary Hall of the Academy of Art, the public Libraries and so forth, wc refer to the respective placcs in this book. Hotels, Inns, Restaurations, Cafées &c. The principal and hest hotels in Copen- hagen are: Hot el Roya l , at the corner of Stranden and Forlunstræde. It is the property of Messrs. Gildsig and Kelt. 57 rooms. Table d’hotc. Hotel Phø e n i x , at the corner of Bred gade and Dronningenstvergade, under the direc-
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