into two principal paris; the flrst conlains ar- licles from Greenland, Labrador, Australia, Nicobar Islands, South Amerika, Lapland, Ca nada, Coasl of Guinea, Senegambia, Caflreland, Borneo, Peru, Brazils, Japan, China; llie otlier comprises the large colleclions from both the Indes, Asia and Turkey. The museum has of late been inereased by the Ame r i c an c ab i net , formerly United witli the museum of Northern Anliquities. Wc strongly recommend the traveller lo inspect these systematically arranged collec- tions, which are open, gratis, from lst Octo- ber to lst Mai every Sunday 12—2; from the lst Mai to the lst October every Saturday 12— 2 and every Wcdncsday 5—7 (in Sep tember from 3—5). Det kgl. Museum for nordiske Oldsager, The Royal Museum of Northern Anliquities, localed in the Prince Palace, was founded in 1807 and inereased by contribulions from the northern counlries. The exellence of this collection, unrivalled in Europe, we owe to the exertions of the far - famous Conferenlsraad Thomsen, vvho died some years ago. 11 con- tains about 23,000 objects, and is cspecially rich in weapon «and domeslic fmplemenls from the early limes. All the Runicstones, vvhich formerly had their seat in the Round-tower
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