art Count Adam Gotttob Mol l ke of Brc- gentved, and since considerably augmented by bis son and grandson, who died somc years ago. It contains about 500 pictures, the greater part of which arc of tho Dutch and oid Danisli school; somc of llicm arc of grcat vakie. The building is open to public on Wednesdays from Ihe lst Mai to the ls l De cember. Travellers inay bo adrnitted at any lime, application being made to Ihe porter. Den kgl. Kohberstiksamliug, The Royal Collcction of Engrarings, is in the Prince Pa- lace on Frederiksholm’s canal. It was founded during the reign of Christian V, and contains more tlian 80,000 Prints among which most are of great valne. The colleetion is open to GUltivalors of science, artists, and lovers of art every Tucsday and Friday from 11—2. Det Etnographiske Museum, The Etuogra- phic Museum, also in the Princc Palaee , con tains a most interesting collcction illustrating the national cusloms, domestic usages &c. of a great many nations. This colleetion con- stitutes an important part of the Royal Mus eum of Art, or, as it was formerly called, Kunst- k amme r e t , the Chamber of Art, which first was comprised in a wing of Christiansborg Palacc, but lalcr wras removed to a house in Dronningenstvergade. The colleetion is divided
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