lst June to 31th September every Tuesday and Friday from 11—2.

Den kgl. Malcrisamling, The Royal Picture Gallery, occupics the large and spacious roorns in the upper story of Christiansborg Palace. lt was foundcd by Christian IV and greatly augmented by succeeding kings through the purehaso of diflerent private eolleclions. If the traveller bas a mind to wliilc .away a few agreable hours, hc ought to visit this Gallery, containing about 1000 picturs, which, Ihougli not rich in first-class works, contains mucli to piease in the Italian, Dutch and Flemish schools. The practical arrangement of tbis collection of picture is owing to the infatigable exerlions of late Conferenlsraad Thomsen. For the facilitalion of visistors, there is placed in every room a short discription of the piclures it contains. The Royal Picture Gallery is open, free of charge, from May to Oclober every Sunday 11 —2, Tuesday 3—7 (in September 2— 6, in October 1—5) and Friday 11— 3. Den Moltkeske fflalerisamllug, The Picture Gallery of Count loltkc, is included in the Palace of Thott on Kongens Nytorv No. 4. This collection was founded by the lover of

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