ln Ihe front hall, corridor, and apartments on thc firsl story Ihe works of llic sculptor may bo forind, and on Ihe story above his collec- tions. Around Ihe ouler wall runs a eollossal frcsco, in Etruscan tinis, on a dark background, which depicls tlie arrival and disembarkation of Thorvaldsen, wilh his various works of art, in Ihe capilal of his native country. On the summit of the principal entrance stands Ihe Chariot of Victoria cxcuted in bronze from a model by Bissen. The exterior of the budding is almost quite unpretending, but how admirable is not the arrangement of Ihe cnterior — a credil to the artists xvlio decorated the corridor, front hall and apartments in Pornpeuan style wilh brillant colors. In this noble temple of art arc preserved the magnificient works and treasures, which Thorvaldsen presented to his native country. The spacc not allowing us to give a description of thc contents, wc refcr to the many catalogues concerning this museum; especially we draw the travellers attention to «Vededer for de Besøgende i Thorvaldsens Mu­ seum » (Guide lo visitors in Thorvaldsen’s Mu­ seum). The budding is open to the public, gratis, throughout the year on every Sunday from 11—2. Besides from lst October to 31lh Mai every Wcdnesday from 11 —2; from

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