Na t hans on, Bredgade 19, B. L. Frænke l & Comp., Østergade 32, J. S. S a l omo n s e n , Østergade 26, A. H. S a l mo n s e n , Østergade 9. Museums and Public Collections. Copenliagen possesses a considcrable num- ber of public collections and museums of artislic, historical and scicntific inlerest. Among (bese wc must above all mention: Thorvalilscn's Museum, situated beliind tbc Palace Church, with a large open space in front extending to tbc Slormbro. This museum was built. partly at tbc public cost, tbc sum be- qeathed by the illustrious sculptor proving insufficient to defray the expenses of ils erec- tion. The architect was Mr. Bi nde s bøl , wbosc plan was approved by Thorvaldsen bimself. The building was commenced in 1837 bul, from various obslacles, was not flnally com­ pleted untill 1846. lt is in tbc Grecian style, 110 clls in length, 60 ells in breadlh, 22 ells in height and consists of two slories and the cellar. The inner court of the building is 56 ells long and 25 ells broad; liere the Ar­ tist, in accordance with his expressed desire, lies interred. An oblong box of polished gra- nitc, plante,d with ivy, covers over his remains.

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