rup in Gothcrsgade, Vis si ng and YVes trup & Øede rs in store Kongensgade, Ot t oSc hwa r t z and Tann i ng & Ap]>e 1 in Pilestræde, Gad in Vimmelskaflet, Wøl di ke in lille Helliggeislslræde, E i b e , Graabrødretorv, Tryde, Østergade, Scliou in Nygade, Enge l s en & Sc brød er in Frederiksberggade, Bang on Vesterbro, Bar tb & J e n s e n , Amagertorv. Many of tbese are also stationers and dealers in work of art, as for instance Bi ng & Son. Lynge in Løvstræde and S al omon at GI. Strand are second-band booksellers. Losc in Gotbersgade and 11o r n e - mann & Er s l e v on GI. Amagertorv are music and instrument dealers. Pri nt i ng Offices. The principal of tbese are: Thi el e’s in Helliggeiststræde, Bi an c o L u n o ’ s in Østergade, Sebul tz’s, Amagertorv, Klein’s, store Kjøbmagergade, Gol i en’s, Vingaardstræde, and Wi be’s, Gammelholm. Among the Lilhographic Establishments, Bær e n t z e n ’s, store Kjøbmagergade, Tb. Berg’s, Amagertorv, Tegner & Ki l t e n - do r f ’s, St. Annaplads, cnjoy a greal reputa­ tion. The Mone y-Change r s are: M. H. Cohen & Comp . , Østergade 35 , G. A. Ge dal i a, Iløibroplads 12, 11abn’s wi dow (Simonsen), Kjøbmagergade 11, 11. P. Hans en jun., Høi- broplads G, J. M. Le vi n, Østergade 22, l\Iey er

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