Among olher industriel cstablisliraenls wc will mention Fr a e nk e l ’s Tapes t ry in Ny Adel- gado, Ram e s ’ Nail Fact o ry in Christians havn, Nail or’s File Faet ory at Nørrevold, Fi f e’s Carriage Fac t or y &c. &c. The Art of Pho l o g r aphy is a most favoured employmenl in Copenhagen and conse- quenlly the traveller will find a vasl number of ils cultivaters, presenling llicir signs to he judged by the passers-by. To give a list com- plete in number of all the pholographers in Copenhagen would be impossible, and we shall therefore only mention tbose enjoying some reputation: Lange in Østergade No. 24, Budt z - Møl ler & Comp., Bredgade No. 21 , Pæe t z , Bred-gade No. 35, J. P e t e r s e n , Kongens Ny torv No. 3, G. É. Hansen, Bredgade No. 32, Ros enki l de , Vingaardstræde No. 1 and Unna, Vimmelskaflet No. 3G. Booksellers. Re i l z c l in Løvslræde , Mi eb ae ls en Ti l l ge , Li nd, Pri or, Crsi n, Lund, Fal - k e nb e r g and Gan dr up. in store Kjobmagcr- gade, Gyl den dabi in Klarcboderne, Phi l i p- sen and Stink on Høibroplads, Ring and S t e e n in Kronp.rindsensgade, IIøst and 11a ge -
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