given a fresli impulsc lo building speculalions. According lo llie census above quoled 150,119 of Ihc populalion belong lo llie ÉStablished Chureh professing the Luthéfan creed; 594 are of llie Reformed Chureh of Calvin; 749 are Roman Calholics; 189 Baptists; 390 Mormons, and 2,858 are Jevvs. The rest belong to other different secis. At Ihc present moment the population of Copenhagen can be eomputed lo amount to about 180,000 Individuals. Great improvements have taken place in Copenhagen wilhin llie last few years. The old oil lamps have given place to gas; the waler, which was impure and unwholesome, is now supplied in abundanee by water works of great excellence. The Rre brigade is established on llie most modern principles witli stations and telcgraphic communication. The new police may be truly said to be in every respect equal lo ils work; and, lasi bul nol least, llie pavement, which afforded sueh wellfounded causc of complaint is logelher wilh the sewerage, steadly progres- sing towards perfeetion. But to effeet these reforms immensc ex- penditure of public funds has been required, and the taxes are in consequerice ralher heavy, especially so when compared wilh llie old or der of Ihings in the metropolis.
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