Streets, Squares, Bridges &c. \ The city wilh ils suburbs is divided inlo four- teen Distriots called «Quarters». Whitin Ihe ram- parts (hero ure 224 streets of wliich Christians­ havn and Ihe Nyboder (Ncwboolhs) logether com- prise 45; there are moreover seventeen Squares andMarketplaces, and the number of houses within and beyond the rainparts are computcd lo be about 5,300 in all. The city had formerly four gates: the Eeastern, the Western, the Nor­ thern and the Southern or Amager Gate. Thesc were clearcd away in 1858 — 5 2 , and wide gaps in Ihe ramparts denole wliere they once stood. Besidcs these lour approaches there is another for pedestrains over the northern ram­ parts Crossing the moal by a bridge nol far from the magnificicnt new Municipal Hospital that is do juslly adinircd by all. Beginning at the north-eastern part of the city the principal streets are Br edgade orNor- g e s g a d e ( B r o a d S t.), from the Es pl anade or Gr ( i nni ngen (Green), as it idso is ealled, lo Kongen s Ny torv (The King’s New Mark et), eiglit hundred yards in length; Amaliegade running paralel wilh Bredgade, divided by the fine Place of Amajieborg, Ihe Bedsidcncc of the Royal family, Ostergade (East St.) a narrow, crow- ded thoroughfare, in which the most fashionable j

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