flcalions to landward of Copcnhagon will bo nurubered Avith Ihe tbings thai have been. The events of the last few years liave convinced the most slubbom consorvalive of llie ulter inefi- cacy of regular forliflcalions lo proteel a city from destruction when besieged from Ihe land side; and the ramparts of Copenhagen can only claim altention when looked upon in a pictu- resque point of view. To ils seaporls and bat tenes alone has the capilal of Denmark in future to look for its defenee. Thai quarter of Ihe city, whieh is built on Amager is called Chr i s t i an s havn , and iscon- nected willi Copenhagen «proper», as we may call il in more senses than one, by two bridges, neither remarkable for strength or beauty. According to the last census the popula tion of Copenhagen was 155,143, whereof 74,247 were males and 80,896 females. In the five years immediately prececding the census the incrcase of population has been 11,552. This inerease being mostly in the suburbs, wliere within Ihe last few years houses and slreets and buddings cnummerable of every coneeiveable shape have sprung up, and although the crisis of 1857 checked a while the musli- room - like growth the incrcasing rent of dwcllings in the city and the influx of offi cials and their families from the Duchies have
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