As a lator establishment, founded by young musicians, we do not omit to mention thc society «Eut erpe», thc objcct of which is thc same as that of thc above named Ilarmonic So ciety. The Cæci l i a S o c i e t y , was eslablished for thc purpose of disseminating a laste for tbe old classical works of Italian masters. It was founded by Mr. Rung, singing master, and has in a proportionablc short lime exercised a great influcnce on the population. The con- eerls are given, partly in tbe hall of the university, partly in tbe Palace-Church. Tbe Music Uni on was eslablished in 1865 To eflect — by grand concerts — a fund by which needy musicians can be sup- porled is tbe noble objeel of Ibis union. The concerts are usually performed under the management of Mr. Paulli, concertmaster. Mr. Dahl is tbe leader of tbe union. Resides tbe Societics just deseribed tberc are many voeal-elubs in tbe metropolis among which the foliowing merit our noticc: The S t u d e n t ’s Vocal Uni on under tbe direction of Chr. Hansen, organist; The Chevé Uni on, established by tbe music-master Jørgen Mal ling, now under tbe management of tbe organist Hillebrandt, lliat bas for its objcct the promotion of music by tbe cipber-system. In addition lo
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