is twofold: the annual purchase of a great many cxellent works by native Artists, which aflenvards are disposed of by ballot among ils members: to awaken, cxtcnd and preserve thc love of arts by the weekly exhibilions of tater and older works by native and foreign artists. Ladies may becoine members of the union and partake of the disposal of tbe works, but tliey aro not allowed to altend tbe ordi- nary meetings of the Society. Bcsides the above rnentioncd Art Union tlierc exists another, but on a smaller scale, which bas for its object to promote the Dc v e l o pme n t of S c a n d i n a v i a n Art. The true lovers of Music must ccrtainly be indebted to tbe llarmonic Society that bas con- tributed so very much lo promote a popular taste for classical music. Every winter tbe well known orchestra, containing some of the most flnisbed musical performers in Copenha- gcn, gives 4 grand concerls under the direction of Professor Gade. 11 numbers 2000 members, botli gentlemen and ladies, who are ablc to underlake the most diffieult Oratorios with ad- mirable clTect. All the concerls are performed in the large hall of Casino.
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